Rachel Lang

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Astrological Signs of Big Change

2020 has given us no shortage of opportunities for reflection. It's not over yet, though. There are astrological signatures of revolution, transformation, and change on the horizon, and some are happening right now. Any one of these influences brings with it the opportunity for societal and personal shifts. But several happening together? Well, I'm sure you can feel the intensity right now. When we have all of them in one year, we need to buckle up and prepare for a ride.  

For everything, there is a season. Astrology helps us correlate the cycles of life with the cycles of the heavenly bodies to gain meaning for our lives. There are times of loss followed by times of regeneration and rebirth. Times of challenge can lead to spiritual growth. Keeping that in perspective, you can navigate those stressful times and discern how your life events may be guiding you to a deeper sense of purpose. 

Astrology offers a symbolic language to help you find meaning during stressful times. If you have knowledge about the upcoming astrological cycles and how they might relate to your personal birth chart, you can make the most of those influences to reduce stress, worry, or fear. 

Here are times to watch for: 

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde can be a stressful three-week period. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times a year. It is an optical illusion in which Mercury appears to be moving backward. Mercury is the planet of communication and communication devices, the details of life, and transportation. Mercury retrograde places a spotlight on these Mercury-related areas of life. There can be misunderstandings or communication challenges in relationships, for example. The key is to rethink how you communicate, to improve and upgrade your communication skills. Travel delays can also happen, which can be stressful. Mercury issues all serve a purpose, though, which is to help us revisit the past, repair broken things, reconnect with people from the past, remember to keep everything in perspective, and reach completion. 

Eclipses and Supermoons

Full and New Moons are significant points in the monthly lunation cycle. We tend to feel the influence of supermoons more strongly than usual, and we had several of those at the beginning of the year. 

A New Moon happens when the sun and Moon are conjunct. This is the beginning stage of a lunation cycle that happens once a month. During the New Moon phase, the Moon is said to be dark because it cannot be seen. It's a good time to initiate a new beginning or to set an intention.

The Full Moon cycle occurs when the Sun and Moon are directly opposite in the heavens. Because it's the point in the lunation cycle during which the Moon is at its brightest, we can see situations more clearly and be aware of what works and what doesn't work in our lives. It's best for releasing anything out of alignment with your higher self. That process can be stressful, though. 

Eclipses are like super full or new moons, and they can be quite intense. The eclipses stir within us the desire to change. They shake things up. A lunar eclipse stirs up an internal knowing or realization—an aha moment—that alerts us something is off in our lives, or we need to take some action to move life forward. The resulting changes may take months to manifest, but they start with these profound realizations. A solar eclipse tends to feature external events and circumstances changing so that some aspect of your life shifts as a result. The event could be as simple as a conversation that inspires you to overcome limiting fears, or it could be a breakup that wasn't your idea. No matter how life changes, trust that it is unfolding for your best and highest good. After all, eclipses help change anything keeping us stuck. The two-week period between two eclipses can be intense.  

Upcoming eclipses:

June 5, June 20/21, July 5, November 30, December 14 

Venus Retrograde

Venus has been going retrograde since May 12 (it ends on June 24). This time can be challenging, especially for relationships. Venus is the planet associated with love, finances, style, beauty, and self-worth. During a Venus retrograde cycle, Venus-related issues can arise to help you reassess values and deepen a sense of self-worth, which has lasting implications for your relationships and finances. If you have been settling for unsatisfying personal relationships or struggling with any financial issues, the retrograde period has been a time to reflect on your priorities and values. 

Retrograde Planets

All planets (except the Sun and Moon) station retrograde, but the personal ones (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) are the ones that hit closest to home. Mars goes retrograde from September 9-November 13 this year. Mars is the planet of passion, action, and drive. During a retrograde cycle, these aspects of life can slow down, which can be quite stressful. Plus, Mars is one of the relationship planets, and conflicts with your partner or past anger can surface.

Outer Planets Change Signs

Outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move more slowly than the other planets. When they ingress into a new sign, they introduce a whole new cycle. We all have to adjust to that cycle. An example of that happened when Saturn entered Aquarius on March 21. It will retrograde back into Capricorn and enter Aquarius again in December. Jupiter changes from Capricorn to Aquarius on December 19. The two will conjoin on December 21 for the Great Conjunction in Aquarius - ending a 200-year cycle of Great Conjunctions in earth signs.


Throughout each month, we experience transits when two planets (including the sun and Moon) aspect one another in the heavens. Because the heavenly bodies are always in motion, transits happen almost every day. The challenging ones tend to involve the slower-moving planets because they last longer. You may experience a challenging transit as a bad day or a rough week. When we have collective outer-planet transits, we feel the significance in our lives as well as see global shifts like the ones we see right now. 

We started this year with a Saturn-Pluto-Ceres conjunction on January 12; we have Jupiter and Pluto coming together three times (April 4, June 30, and November 12); and Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin on December 21. That is a lot of outer-planet activity, and it all indicates a year of significant change for us, personally and societally. Click on the above links to read what each transit means.

As you can see, the astrology of 2020 signifies a cultural renaissance, a turning point. A number of these influences are culminating all right now - in June and July. We need to use our collective magic- our imaginations- to re-envision our future. It is a highly creative time for us, and while it might feel intense or it might feel chaotic, we are witnessing history unfolding. It's an exciting time to be alive. Find ways to shine your light in the world. Use this energy to live your most authentic, passionate, and purposeful life!