Rachel Lang

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Uranus Retrograde August 19, 2021- January 18, 2022

Uranus is the planet of freedom, progress, and change. When you think of Uranus, think of electricity. Its nature can be erratic, and the energy of Uranus needs to be focused and grounded. Uranus is somewhat of a rebel planet. It wants you to go against the grain, to march to the beat of your own drum.

Uranus can be the bringer of change in your life because it wants you to feel free. If you feel stuck in any area of your life, or if you’ve been making fear-based decisions, Uranus can sweep in and stir things up. Its influence is exciting and energizing, but it does stretch you outside your comfort zone. Uranus is the planet of social networks and technology, too.

What will this retrograde mean for us? What can we expect?

Retrograde cycles allow us to look back at the past and reassess where we are in relation to where we want to be. They are favorable for helping us revisit past situations, reflect on our lives, and rethink our beliefs and ideals. Retrograde cycles can be times of deep introspection. When outer planets go retrograde, we often experience the influence in our collective beliefs, ideals, and values. They help us rethink and reshape our society. Uranus retrograde allows us to see how we as individuals can make a greater contribution to the whole. 

This period is favorable for building community and strengthening connections, especially if you’ve been wanting to become more involved. It’s also good for making changes in your life that you’ve been wanting to make for a long time. This influence will boost your courage to do so. 

This retrograde accentuates the ongoing Saturn square Uranus transit we’ve had throughout the year. Themes of integrating tradition with progress are up for us all in our families, communities, and in the world. As Uranus goes retrograde, we’re seeing hints of this in the world right now.

Taurus is a practical earth sign, but because it’s ruled by Venus, it has a romantic streak, too. Because Uranus is in Taurus, an earth sign, we might reconsider solutions to some of our global environmental concerns. It’s also a time to take a practical approach to your finances. Uranus wants freedom. If you have debt, you don’t feel very free. Uranus in Taurus can help you rethink your spending, budgeting, and finances. It might help you find innovative solutions to some of your financial issues. It’s time to be creative with how you make, save, and spend money.  

We could also see sudden upsets with electricity, like outages, or like in the case of California, where the power is out to prevent fires. So, back up your computers regularly and be careful not to trip circuits or shock yourself.  

Sign by Sign


With Uranus moving through Taurus, you’re shifting the way you think about money. If you’ve had fear about changes to your financial situation, this is a time to address the underlying root causes of those anxieties. Use the retrograde to create positive shifts in your finances, whether that means creating new streams of income or being open to experiencing more abundance in your life.


Uranus is moving through your sign. So, everything might feel like it’s in flux. At the same time, you’re a stable earth sign who resists change and needs a sense of security. This retrograde is a time to embrace the changes that have happened in your life this year and work through any fears you might have about letting go. Surrender to the movement of your life as it unfolds. Revel in the mystery of it.


This retrograde cycle could spur a spiritual awakening for Gemini. Your dreams might be more vivid or prophetic. You also might be more attuned to the thoughts and emotions of others. It’s important to honor the process of inner growth by taking time to yourself. A retreat or getaway would help support the inner work you’re doing during this time.


With Uranus moving through Taurus, you’ve been reflecting on your social circle and wanting to develop deep friendships. If you have felt alone or disconnected from your community, this retrograde could help you reassess what changes you need to make in your life to become more open to meeting new friends. Consider joining groups or organizations to become more involved.


Career is the area of your life most in flux with Uranus in Taurus, and when it goes retrograde, you might question decisions you’ve made in the past couple years. There’s also a chance you could crave change. Either way, you’re more in tune with your calling and want to feel a sense of mission in all you do. So, you might discover creative ways to feel more fulfilled in your work. Think outside the box when strategizing for the future.


This retrograde stirs your desire for adventure, but the pressures of everyday life (or COVID) might limit your potential for exploring new places or travel. Think of venturing inward to uncover limiting beliefs and experience more freedom in your everyday life. Think of all the ways your mind can change if you’re open to seeing life from a new perspective. Rethinking delayed travel plans is a possibility


You might have had sudden financial gains or losses over the past several years, and maybe you’ve been reluctant to take financial risks. Uranus retrograde will give you a chance to look at your beliefs about money, especially if you associate hard work with wealth. Perhaps it doesn’t have to be too hard after all. You could see some unexpected surprises with things like taxes, inheritance, your partner’s income, or insurance.


Relationships (especially partnerships) are going through a period of growth, and this might lead to some uncomfortable growing pains. Reflect on the meaning of freedom in the context of relationships. You want control of your own life, but that’s not true freedom. Whether you’re controlling things or you feel controlled by others, this retrograde is a chance to address and remedy power struggles, push/pull dynamics, or control tendencies in your relationships.


This retrograde is a time to focus on your health. With Uranus in Taurus, you might be more interested in learning ways to optimize wellbeing, especially anything that involves technology. You might want more freedom from the daily routine, and if so, advocate for yourself at work or with your family. Discover new ways to receive anxiety through techniques like breathwork.


Uranus is in a compatible earth sign. So, it’s a time for careful, practical steps toward positive change. For you, creativity is emphasized by this retrograde cycle. Sudden bursts of inspiration. Express yourself creatively. Fertility is emphasized by this cycle, too. Romance could feel like an exiting roller coaster ride, but you’re looking at the feasibility of all these things.


Your sense of home and living environment are going through flux. For some of you, this might also involve family members coming and going. See any disruptions as blessings in disguise and focus on improving relationships with those you love as well as upgrading your space.


You’re in the process of learning, and you might revisit subjects you loved in school with a fresh perspective of where you are now. Let yourself be the teacher and the student. Social media, networking, and communication are emphasized by this transit. Be willing to speak and think outside the box. You have a lot to say; share with others.