Rachel Lang

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Eclipse Season

Eclipse season is upon us!! My North Node is 3˚ Scorpio, and I’m feeling it - how about you?

Those who are born on the Aries/Taurus, Cancer/Leo, Libra/Scorpio, and Capricorn Aquarius cusps will feel the ripple effect of these eclipses over the coming months.

We will see a solar eclipse on April 19/20 and a lunar eclipse on May 5. We will experience powerful insights and opportunities for personal growth.

Astrological Significance of Eclipses

Eclipses represent turning points and moments of change. They usher in new beginnings, can bring sudden endings, or reveal hidden truths. Solar eclipses are associated with new beginnings that come from external circumstances, while lunar eclipses symbolize closure and release. Lunar eclipses show us shifts that result from internal awareness.

Eclipses speed up the timeline of our lives. They rush us into circumstances that deepen our sense of purpose.

The April 19 TOTAL Solar Eclipse at 29˚ Aries

The partial solar eclipse on April 19/20 takes place in the last degree of Aries — a critical degree that means EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING ALL AT ONCE AND RIGHT NOW!!!!

Phew. Let me catch my breath!

There’s an air of excitement with this lunation and a sense that things could change instantly. Adding to that, we have the Sun square Pluto, making everything feel intense. We feel all the spectrum of emotions - highs and lows.

The May 5th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

The lunar eclipse on May 5th happens in the sign of Scorpio, making this an eclipse for dredging up anything from the unconscious realm we need to realize and heal.

This eclipse highlights themes of emotional depth, power dynamics, and transformation. We can start to untangle unhealthy attachments, face our fears, and embrace change. We can also make peace with the past, learning from our decisions and integrating experiences.

The signs most affected will be Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Those with significant placements in these fixed signs may experience revelations and profound personal transformations.

What to prioritize at this time:

To make the most of the astrological energy of these eclipses, consider the following suggestions:

  1. Reflect on your values: Use the Taurus solar eclipse as an opportunity to reassess your priorities and values. What truly matters to you, and are you living in alignment with those values?

  2. Embrace change: The Scorpio lunar eclipse invites us to let go of the past and embrace new beginnings. Identify areas of your life where you're holding on to unhealthy attachments, and seek ways to release them.

  3. Practice self-care: Eclipses can bring about heightened emotions and sudden changes. Ensure you're taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being during this time.

  4. Set intentions: Use the energy of the eclipses to set intentions for the coming months. Focus on what you want to manifest and the steps you'll take to achieve those goals.