Rachel Lang

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October Horoscopes

Are you ready for a seismic shift— one that moves you toward your destiny? This month’s astrology is full of excitement. There won’t be a dull moment.

Mars is the star this month, first with the Mars–Eris opposition on October 4 that carries us into eclipse season. Mars in Libra indicates we want to find a middle ground or a balance point for our conflicts. It shows a thoughtful approach to decisions or actions that employ logic. Also on October 4, Mars conjoins the South Node, indicating we're not just righting wrongs or promoting change in the present time — we're dealing with karma, embodying the courage to disrupt outdated systems and the vision to dream new ones.

On October 8, a Mars–Pluto square shows a swell of passionate energy without a direct outlet. We may have an inner conflict about what's fair or just. This transit brings an opportunity to confront someone or something you've resisted. Remember to lead gracefully, and you could find a win–win solution.

We saw a similar pattern in 1950 when Mars in Libra was opposite Eris in Aries (January 13, 1950) and conjunct the South Node in Libra (January 27, 1950). The Cold War influenced that time. In that month, there was a plane crash; diplomatic agreements and divisions between the People's Republic of China and other countries; an oil tanker explosion; and the green light on the development of the hydrogen bomb. Oh, and India formed a republic and created a constitution.

We want to be thoughtful about our words and actions throughout October. Mars enters Scorpio on October 11; it moves from the sign of mediation to the sign of transmutation. Power motivates us, and the drive awakens aspects of our psyches that are usually safely in the shadows. As the ruler of Aries, its influence colors our experience of the eclipses, especially the Lunar Eclipse on October 28.

The Solar Eclipse on October 14 at 10:55 AM PT is at 21˚ Libra 07'. The Sabian Symbol for the 21st–22nd degree is a child giving birds a drink at a fountain. What a symbol for this time! The innocence and compassion it evokes are most needed as we move through this time of transition. It reminds us to care for all creatures, honor nature, and bring a child's curiosity into how we participate in life on Earth. The North Node is conjunct Eris, inspiring us with the courage to be true to our calling.

In Predictive Astrology: Tools to Forecast Your Life & Create Your Brightest Future, Bernadette Brady defines Saros Series 7 North as:

A very sensual family of eclipses, ranging from sudden sexual passions and lust to birth and procreative drives. This series is not subtle; it can catch people off guard and confront them with their own very deep passion, which may have been hidden for many years.

The Sun and Mercury are conjunct the South Node on October 18. We could reflect on the past and reframe some of our previous experiences. We feel a groundswell of change and a buildup of pressure that leads to a catharsis at the end of the month.

The October 28 Lunar Eclipse at 5˚ Taurus 09' is the last in the Taurus–Scorpio series, though the North Node remains in Aries. It helps us wrap up the storylines that have preoccupied us throughout the past 18 months. We are moving fast, and life offers some surprises and twists of fate.

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