
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

Have you ever reached a point of non-attachment about future outcomes? Nothing to lose doesn’t mean you don’t care. Instead, it signifies understanding that you are fundamentally okay within yourself and part of an unfolding spiritual story. True freedom arises from non-attachment, accepting the reality of the present moment without knowing the outcomes of your circumstances. As the Sun shines in your opposite sign (until August 22), consider what freedom means to you. 

Relationships may undergo through tests and trials, especially around the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19. Mercury stations retrograde on August 4, making communication mishaps an everyday occurrence. Stay present and committed during any storms, and you'll see glimpses of rainbows as the light of understanding peeks through even the most challenging circumstances. 

Be mindful of your energy early in the month as the Sun moves through your opposite sign, Leo, especially from August 1-4. You might need more rest and time to recharge. The Leo New Moon on August 4 highlights a need for regenerative time and space. Let rest be your spiritual practice at the beginning of the month. 

On August 15, Mars squares Saturn, suggesting a frustrating run-in with a roadblock. This aspect may feel as if you’re pushing against obstacles or limitations, particularly in your career or personal goals. It's a time to practice patience and perseverance. While progress might be slow, use this period to refine your strategies and strengthen your resolve.On August 18, things shift, ushering in resolutions.

As the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, responsibilities feel focused but not burdensome. For some of you, it is back-to-school time. You’re settling into a routine, meeting new people, and reconnecting with friends returning from adventures.

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