
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

Born under the sign of the rebel and revolutionary, you are a unicorn in a world of horses. Embrace this uniqueness on July 15, when Mars meets Uranus in an explosive transit. This planetary encounter reminds us that control is often an illusion and that life can change instantly. Mars and Uranus awaken your innovative spirit and urge you to break free from lingering constraints. Your intentions, like arrows, are seeking their targets, and desires from years ago could materialize unexpectedly. Expect miracles, and allow life to present you with opportunities you never imagined possible.

The Cancer Sun shines until July 22, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing your wellness. If you neglect self-care, other aspects of your life will feel the strain, especially around the Cancer New Moon on July 5. Use this time to recharge your energy. Spending time with good friends who know your history and offer unconditional support can be incredibly restorative.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 draws you into the mystical realm and activates your dreams. You're experiencing a spiritual growth spurt or up-leveling. Give into the need for extra rest. If, on the other hand, you feel restless, find physical outlets for stress.

As the Sun enters Leo on July 22, it casts a spotlight on your relationships. This transit encourages you to explore secure attachments and consider new possibilities in love. Remember, not everyone's heart was designed for a traditional relationship paradigm. Allow yourself to question and redefine what love means to you.

Mars continues its journey through slow, steady Taurus, energizing your career and ambitions. You're climbing toward a new career peak, and Mars gives you the extra push needed to keep going. Embrace this steady energy and focus on long-term goals. Your perseverance will pay off.

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