

The year begins with your ruling planet, Mars, in retrograde, slowing your momentum and making you more risk-averse, especially in the first two weeks of January. Mars opposes Pluto on January 3, intensifying the urge to confront power struggles or examine your shadow side. The tension may feel uncomfortable, but it’s an opportunity to push through resistance and make 2025 a spectacular year. 

Mars enters Cancer on January 6, motivating you to reconsider your emotional foundations and home life. Despite the slowdown, you can sense a subtle spiritual force working in your family relationships, mending heartstrings and patching fractured connections. With Jupiter, the planet of faith, shining brightly in Gemini, sibling relationships could receive a flow of grace. 

The Cancer Full Moon on January 13 shines on real estate, housing, and renovations. Is it time to make a move? When Mercury enters Capricorn on January 8, it helps you attend to the practical steps involved in home activities. 

Under the Capricorn Sun (until January 19), you are busy with work, though your heart tugs at you to take it easy and rest, especially on January 16 when a Sun-Mars opposition makes every chore feel like pushing a boulder up a hill. Make your keyword for January spacious, and think about creating more buffers in your schedule. 

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19, and it meets up with Mars on January 21. You might feel waves of grief for significant losses, but these deep emotions serve as powerful agents of transformation. By the Aquarius New Moon on January 29, you'll begin to find balance.

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