

The word consider, broken down to its etymological roots, means to with or together (con) the stars (sidus). What are you considering this month? The Cancer Sun asks for your quiet meditation and contemplation. It's the most fertile time of year for you, but ideas often must germinate quietly behind the scenes. When the Sun enters Leo on July 22, it urges you out of the contemplative shadows and pushes you into the light. Balance the two distinct energies of the month by riding the waves or being in consideration. 

Mars ambles through Taurus until July 20, slowing your external world. You'll notice this in subtle ways – people driving too slow, taking their time to respond to emails, or holding up check-out lines. All of these minor frustrations are to help you understand the value of pausing the current busyness. Take deep breaths and stick to your mindfulness practices. 

Neptune stations retrograde on July 2, sending you into a mystical, magical, altered state of reality. Your dreams might be more vivid, especially as Jupiter moves into a quintile aspect with it on July 18. Make time for spiritual exploration or a retreat. Creativity is at a height, and your creative expressions could be tools for healing at the end of the month.

Family visits and reunions delight your days as the Sun moves through Cancer up to July 22. On July 21, the Capricorn Full Moon highlights your professional life in ways that could lead to a greater sense of fulfillment. It is a rare second Full Moon in the sign of ambition this year. Let your ego rest, and let your heart lead the way. 

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