You're used to breaking through any barriers to the future of your dreams. The North Node invites you to stand firm in your resolve and remain steadfast in your commitment to your goals. Instead of running towards the finish line this month, experiment by asking what life's blockages can teach you. When uncertainty creeps in, seek clarity through prayer and meditation, connecting deeply with your inner guidance. All planets are going direct, and eclipse season is coming, leading to no small share of intensity.
The start of the month is a great time to evaluate your spiritual routines. While the Sun is in Pisces until March 19, you're introspective and exploring the daily practices you use as your springboard. Are they fostering your growth or keeping you stuck in place? Allow yourself to explore new pathways for spiritual expansion without throwing out the old. There may still be value in it. The Pisces New Moon on March 10 aids this by ushering in a wave of inspiration, illuminating your dreams and aspirations.
You're moving full steam ahead once the Sun enters Aries on March 19! All the preparation from Pisces season launches you into a time of celebration and rapid personal growth.
The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 catalyzes change in your relationship. The energy pushes for drastic change, no matter how hard you resist. What can't stay will be shed, making room for a new beginning. Will it mean a break-up or a breakthrough? You get to make that call.
The passion and emotion that this eclipse stirs up will linger through the end of the month and will feel incredibly potent on March 22, when your ruler, Mars, enters Pisces. Take the signs that come as calls to action during this mystical time.