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Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

This month, life has given you all the perfect salad ingredients: various lettuces, nuts, seeds, and homegrown cherry tomatoes. Your mission is to find out which ingredients to toss to make a winning combination. In other words, you are faced with many options, and this is a month of discernment to determine which ones align most with your goals and desires. Mercury stations retrograde on August 4, making it a month for re-evaluation. Use this time to assess your options and make right choices for you.

The Full Moon on August 4 opens discussions about finances, including balancing earning and spending within partnerships. If financial fears rise into conscious awareness, resist slipping into a confidence crisis. This lunation awakens the call to discern which pathways to forge and which to abandon. Remember, there are no wrong choices. If you feel overwhelmed with options, listen to your gut.

Communication mishaps could aggravate your sensitive mood during Mercury's retrograde period (August 4-28. As a preventive measure, prioritize your creature comforts and physical well-being. Stay hydrated, eat nourishing foods, and avoid temperature extremes. You are one of the more sensitive signs, which means you need extra TLC when stress happens.

This Aquarius Full Moon on August 19 awakens your visionary spirit and inspires you to focus on your financial literacy. Take this opportunity to learn something new, as knowledge is power and could lead to a new income opportunity.

When the Sun enters Virgo on August 22, it clears up any fog of confusion you may have had earlier in the month. Problematic conversations could leave you with questions about relationships. Still, Virgo's influence can help clarify crossed wires and allow you the space to express new ideas. 

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