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Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

It's your season, meaning it's time to shine your light and honor your unique talents. You're naturally adept at intuiting and nurturing the needs of others, but this month, it's all about you. As Venus moves through your sign at the start of the month (until July 11), it encourages you to enter the spotlight. No more compromising your desires for the sake of others. Venus, the planet of beauty and pleasure, shines a light on your self-worth and personal values. Identify any ways you might undervalue yourself, whether by taking on work projects that don't offer fair compensation or diminishing your concerns about a relationship. Focus on self-care, indulge in what makes you feel beautiful, and assert your worth in all aspects of life.

You're in your element with the Sun in your sign until July 22. This period highlights your personal growth, self-expression, and pursuit of your dreams. It's a time to celebrate yourself, set intentions for the year ahead, and pursue fulfilling activities.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21 offers clarity and resolution to your partnerships. It's a time to celebrate the strength of your connections and address any imbalances. Use this energy to restore harmony where there's conflict and insist on mutual respect. Yes, you're loyal, but that doesn't mean you must settle for bleak conditions.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22, and its influence fires your drive to make money or advance your career. This transit encourages you to celebrate your achievements and seek new prosperous opportunities. As you navigate this period, your natural charm and creativity will be the allies that open new pathways to abundance.

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