
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

The Sun moves through luxuriant Leo until August 22. Domesticated cats, relatives of lions—Leo’s royal feline symbol—embody this energy. Cat people know you can't chase a cat. Curious cats have an independent streak and live life on their terms. This month, when it comes to pursuing anything—a relationship, the purchase of a house or car, or a work lead—rather than expending energy in pursuit, allow things to flow to you. Apply a little effort, then relax and trust the process.

The Sun in Leo shines a spotlight on your financial sector. This is a powerful time to focus on your resources, investments, and financial planning. Consider ways to maximize your earnings and secure your future. The Leo Sun also invites you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Treat yourself to something special, whether it's a luxury purchase or a memorable experience.

The New Moon in Leo on August 4 offers a fresh start in your financial and professional life. Set new intentions around your career goals and financial aspirations. This is an ideal time to launch new projects or seek new opportunities that align with your ambitions.

Mercury's retrograde journey (from August 4-28) could bring some communication challenges and delays. Use this time to review your plans and make necessary adjustments. Be patient with any setbacks, as they are likely temporary. It's also a good period for introspection and revisiting past projects or ideas that may need a second look.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22. Expand your horizons by starting a new book, signing up for a workshop, or returning to school. It is an excellent time to refine your daily routines, adopt healthy habits, and pursue activities that enhance your well-being. 

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