
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Saturn, the stern planetary authority figure of our Solar System, rules your sign. Saturn's symbolism is extra meaningful for these times because of its 2-year dance with Neptune in Pisces. It's a time to identify which dreams to let die and which to nurture into being. This month, Saturn and Neptune are going retrograde, requiring you to sit down, work out a game plan, and let go of unreachable goals, no matter how desirous they seemed at one time. 

Love could surprise you this month if (and only if) you're open. The Sun shines in Cancer until July 22, and you could be more aware of the relationship between expectations and outcomes in love. We easily slip into predictable patterns in our closest relationships, but you can change things on July 21 when the Capricorn Full Moon stretches your heart muscles. Love yourself enough to change any defeating thoughts about love. Fortunately, Mars is moving through Taurus until July 20, motivating a desire for a stable romantic connection. 

Speaking of stretching, Mars meets Uranus on July 15, and this influence pushes the limits of our comfort zones. It pulls you to create something real and lasting– to give birth to an idea or spark inspiration for a business. 

Lucky you! Your sign gets two Full Moons this year! The Full Moon in your sign hearkens back to the one on June 21. What was motivating you then? The one on July 21 stretches your heart and mind. This lunation brings clarity and culmination to personal goals and relationships. It's a perfect time to celebrate your achievements and set new intentions. Love yourself enough to change self-defeating thoughts and open your heart to new possibilities.

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