
Gemini (May 20 – June 20):

As Mercury makes its retrograde journey from August 4 to August 28, you'll find yourself reflecting on simpler times. Mercury starts its retrograde in Virgo, giving you the opportunity to reconnect with your familial roots and childhood memories. You might find yourself flipping through old family photo albums or revisiting your hometown. This is a time for turning inward, nourishing past dreams, and reconnecting with long-forgotten goals.

You were born under the sign of the master decoder, puzzle solver, and mental gymnast. Each day, we face new puzzles to solve in our lives and the world. And while it's exciting to master a skill or develop a solution to a global crisis, it can feel pointless if we're not having fun. So, prioritize playful banter, exciting conversations, and joy this month. 

The Sun shines in luxuriating Leo until August 22. Leo is a passionate fire sign that awakens our hunger for experiences beyond the mundane. It's the sign of leadership and persuasive speaking, making this the perfect time to shine your brilliant light. Remember, we are born creators. If we are not using our creative impulses in a fulfilling way, we can use those same impulses to generate drama in our lives.

Fine-tune your intentions by feeling them in your heart. After all, the Leo Sun rules the heart. You could feel pressure from others. Let the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19 be a relationship turning point. 

The end of the month offers a chance to mend fractured family relationships. For those with children, it's a time of watching them evolve and spread their wings. Your challenge is to allow this process to unfold gracefully without trying to control the outcomes. Saturn and Neptune's retrograde insist you do the same for yourself, finding freedom in your way.

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