
Gemini (May 20 – June 20):

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is gearing up for its final retrograde journey of the year. Are you ready for its tests in agility and flexibility? As an adaptable Gemini, you have mastered the art of going with the flow. If plans change at the last minute, colleagues forget to respond to your email or your flight gets delayed, take a deep breath and relax. Mercury can be playful, reminding us to lighten up and not take things too seriously.

With next year's astrological forecast, you're on track to reach your goals, especially if they involve writing or publishing. Make December a time to recharge before 2024. Several planets are transiting through Sagittarius, your opposite sign. So, you could feel more tired or not as excited about maintaining your usual fast pace.

The Sun's entrance into Capricorn on December 21 brings financial matters to the forefront. The Cancer Full Moon on December 26 helps you recognize beneficial changes to make next year. Holiday spending could catch up with you, making the end of the month a time to pull back and reprioritize.

The Sagittarius New Moon on December 12 indicates a turning point in your love story. Will you contemplate disappointments or celebrate your current state of affairs? The holiday season can bring our shadow sides out of hiding, making it easy to question others' motives or feel confused about something someone said. Never underestimate the power of appreciation. One heartfelt affirmation of praise could shift a troublesome dynamic. Try it and see if there's a shift. Oh, and remember to appreciate yourself! Venus enters Sagittarius on December 29, suggesting a romantic New Year's Eve celebration.

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