Mercury Retrograde

Today, Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the sign of mysticism, dreams, spirituality, ESP, and creative imagination. Mercury’s station in this sign pulls you inward, and you could be more reflective and introspective during this 3-week cycle. Mercury pulls us into the past. When it’s in Pisces, you might feel a gentle tugging of your heartstrings as you remember the good times in past relationships, rekindle relationships that have been challenging, or reflect on disappointments in love. You could feel guilt, shame, or regret as well. Try not to indulge those feelings, though, as they’re not very productive unless you transmute them into dedicated action and make life changes. When Mercury moves back into Aquarius on March 4, you’ll better discern those action steps to take.

Mars in Capricorn

Mars enters Capricorn today, too, and it motivates you to take your dreams to a whole new level. Its influence lights a fire underneath you, and you could feel restless between this influence speeding things up and Mercury retrograde slowing them down. Keep everything in perspective in those times you feel frustrated. 

Spiritual Growth and Self-Care

With Mercury retrograde in this sign, you might notice you have a stronger desire to engage in dedicated spiritual practices. You could be more invested in personal growth/self-care during the next three weeks. The influence of Pisces intensifies your dreams, and you could receive guiding messages in your sleep. I recommend keeping a dream journal nearby for when you wake up. 

Mercury retrograde cycles are excellent for pulling inward, journaling, and prioritizing self-care. When past emotions surface, allow them to flow, uninterrupted. They, too, shall pass. When you feel a rise in intense feelings, you are going through an emotional detox, purifying stored memories and releasing held experiences from your past. There are times this could feel challenging, but you’ll move through. 

What to Do: 

  • Do clear clutter from your space. 

  • Reframe negative thoughts 

  • Back up your computer and phone

  • Be careful driving 

  • Work through financial fears 

  • Face all of your fears

  • Connect with others, especially in healing spaces

  • Be gentle with yourself 

  • Meditate

  • Journal 

  • Heal

  • Communicate clearly

  • Be honest

  • Practice healthy skepticism — your hopes could be sky high but you might not see clearly 

What Not to Do: 

  • Text and drive (obviously)

  • Take things personally

  • Put your health on the back burner 

  • Lie, cheat, or steal 

  • Go back into a relationship with an ex (unless you’ve got clear vision and go in knowing the red flags) 

  • Freak about money, technical glitches, mistakes, or fixable errors

  • Make a major decision on a whim (you could change your mind)

  • Speed or break traffic laws

We are all easily triggered during Mercury Retrograde cycles, but we will be with this one in particular because of the Mars influence. So, above all, remember to be compassionate toward yourself and others. This cycle can be healing, restorative, and important for your soul’s growth. 

Sending you MRx blessings!!


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