Mercury Retrograde

If you feel like nothing is coming as easily as it should, it could be because we’re entering the shadow period for Mercury retrograde in the sign of Libra. The communication planet will be stationing retrograde from September 26th until October 18th and it joins Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. 7 planets will be going retrograde from now to the first part of October! By October 18, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury will all be going direct, allowing us to move forward in some areas of our lives at the end of the month.

Mercury retrograde in Libra will be highlighting Venusian themes of relationships, business, and justice. Libra is represented by the scales, and for this three-week retrograde period, focus on balance. It can be easy to power through full steam ahead, but that isn’t always what brings in our highest good. Mercury retrograde is a time of reflection and course correction.

Second Chances & Great Romances

Retrogrades give the appearance that the affected planet is moving backward in the heavens. If you’re talking about Mercury, then think of communication looking to the past. With this retrograde in Libra, expect people from your past: old friends, or past relationships to resurface. This is also a nostalgic and self-reflective time, so don’t be surprised if you’re spending a fair bit of time thinking about the good, the bad, and the ugly of past relationships and your own patterns of relating. 

Boundaries & Constraints

Libra is the most fair-minded sign of the zodiac, but fair to others doesn’t always equal fair to yourself. This retrograde season, we focus on relationships and especially our relationship to ourselves. What is most important to you? How do you communicate those needs to people in your life? Do you respect your own boundaries as much as your respect those of your loved ones? Take stock of these questions now. This retrograde is going to bring up feelings of frustration, but this is great feedback on what changes and improvements can be made so you can experience fulfillment in your relationships.

Business & Pleasure

During this three-week retrograde, we’re looking to the past, but that doesn’t mean we won’t see forward motion. While it’s not the best time to start something new, projects you began and connections you were cultivating before Mercury stationed retrograde will feel especially favored. If there’s a lot of activity in your career, it might feel easy to neglect your social and romantic lives. Follow the message of Libra and balance business and pleasure or you risk burning out and extinguished sparks.


The focus of this retrograde for you, Aries, is your relationships. Your sign is known for blazing a trail ahead, and you may feel out of your depth indulging in nostalgia. You may reminisce about a past partner and could reconnect with someone from your past. The timing of their return may seem mystical and mysterious. But if their return seems too magical, and not grounded proceed with caution, retrograde reconnections can go as easily as they come. 


As a Taurus, it’s your nature to graze far and wide. If you’ve been focusing more on covering ground than thoroughly clearing an area, remember that the devil’s in the details. Pay attention to every last one! This Mercury retrograde could be affecting your schedule and wreaking a bit of havoc on your everyday life. Use this time to reorganize your schedule, see what you can take off your table or shelve for later, and prioritize your health.


Your sign, Gemini, is ruled by mercury making this time of retrograde especially potent for you. Your focus is on creativity. This period is perfect for revisiting ideas you had and projects you started in the past. Ideas won’t be the only thing coming back to you. You may reconnect with an ex or revisit romantic connections that fizzled out. Memories about children or of your childhood could surface and inspire your next creation.



If you’re feeling the urge to stay close to home, Cancer, indulge in that. It is your focal point for this retrograde. Make a list of all those little things you’ve been meaning to attend to around the house, and start checking things off! Since this retrograde is in Libra, there is a focus on relationships--roommates and family members--spend time with those in your household and work through any tensions that arise with compassion.


The spotlight for this retrograde is on communication, Leo. Not just your interpersonal communication, but your image, your brand, how you communicate yourself to the world. While most people are looking inward right now, you are all about the self you’re projecting. Retrogrades fade, but the internet is forever, proofread everything. 


Do you have a plan, Virgo? As an earth sign, material matters are very important to you. Without a strong base and resource pool, you feel disorganized. This retrograde, revisit financial decisions you made before. The end of the year is coming up, prioritize budgeting, saving, and being thrifty. So you can start the new year off from a place of power. Remember that the way you spend your money shows what you prioritize. 


This retrograde is a retrospective of your life. How fitting then, that it’s happening in your sign, Libra! You know the themes of this retrograde better than anyone. So, now is a great time to really simmer in yourself, go back in time, and review past decisions in all areas of your life. See where this retrograde highlights your strengths, and feel that power. But, pay special attention to the parts of you that need more care to blossom. Give them a little love be compassionate with yourself and others. It’s time to speak honestly, communicate with care.  


Do you talk to yourself, Scorpio? Do you listen when your subconscious talks back? This is a deeply introspective retrograde for you. Make time to sit with yourself and engage in activities that feel supportive for you. You could be uncovering subconscious fears, beliefs, and truths. If you feel like you’re in a pressure cooker, let these insights bubble to the surface.


Friendships and community are in focus for you, my social Sagittarius. If you’ve been feeling like you’ve lost touch with old friends, this is going to be an exciting transit for you! You might reconnect with friends from your past at a celebration. With loving Libra at the helm, don’t be surprised if not all of these reunions are platonic. A friend from the past could express feelings for you. The Mercury retrograde also focuses on boundaries, so be sure to not spread yourself too thin as a way of avoiding diving in too deep with any one group or connection.  


It seems like your path to the top of the mountain has been temporarily obstructed. Career decisions have been put on hold, and this retrograde cycle can help you reprioritize goals and streamline your climb. Align your job with your mission and sense of purpose. Use this retrograde energy to finish projects as a way of making space for new beginnings.


Your beliefs are under construction, Aquarius. Look back at the blueprints, then at your new creation, what is true to you? What still resonates? If you’re not sure where you stand on something or you’re feeling constricted, expand your worldview by learning something new. If that learning is being done by physical exploration, be wary of travel delays. Go with the flow as best you can, that’s also part of the learning. We’re all learning constantly, but be sure to make sure the information you’re putting out into the world is cited and fact-checked before it becomes public knowledge.


Let’s face it, Pisces, you knew this was coming. Your intuition and ESP are at a high point. If you feel your senses heightened along with your worry centers, that’s all in line with what this transit has for you. Mercury retrograde asks you to trust yourself above all. Dive deep to find what’s you and what’s energy from the collective that you’re holding onto. This is an excellent cycle for deep-healing to get to the root of fears holding you back. It’s introspective. Don’t be afraid to unplug from it all. 



October Horoscopes


September Horoscopes