US Pluto Return

Every 248 years, Pluto makes its complete revolution around the Sun, coming full circle and representing similar themes as those that played out in the previous cycle. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, and many astrologers assign this as the "birthday" of our country. We are in our Pluto return, which is exact on February 22, July 11, and December 28. 

One of the cries of the American Revolution was, "No taxation without representation!" I have been thinking about this lately as we approach this pivotal transit in the history of our country. One of the reasons our founding leaders sought to gain independence was the economic stronghold of England and the tariffs that made a life here more expensive… and less free. 

Looking at that in a modern context, let's think of the ways we have taxation without representation right now. Could corporations be the modern-day equivalent of colonial England?

When you dig deep enough at all injustices in our country, you eventually find a common root-- the marriage of corporations with politics.

Here are a few examples:

  • Our criminal justice system relies on private companies to house inmates.

  • Our lending systems have been discriminatory. Mortgage interest rates have historically been higher for certain groups of people than others.

  • Healthcare insurance premiums for families are high, and so are deductibles. The cost of healthcare makes it prohibitive for some.

An astrological perspective. 

Pluto in the US Silly chart (for July 4, 1776) is in the sign of Capricorn, the sign associated with authority and power systems, corporations, and economic and governmental social structures. Pluto's in the US 2nd house of finance and the economy. Looking at this from an archetypal perspective, we are going to be unpacking some of the same themes we were at the time of the American Revolution, the last time Pluto was in the late degrees of Capricorn.

Since transiting Pluto moved into the US 2nd house (in 2008 by Whole Sign Houses), we have been spotlighting corruption in all aspects of industry and institutions. We've seen leaders who've abused their power be taken down, while a revolution has led to more individuals speaking out about the injustices that pervade our economic systems.

Pluto’s entry into Capricorn brought us the Occupy Wallstreet movement, cryptocurrency, and more. We’re at the tail end of that transit, which is often a time of taking one last look to see… did we miss anything?

Where does that leave us now? 

I sometimes think the economic costs associated with being Middle class or earning below the average income level in our country is a new form of "taxation without representation." While we have amazing, influential people in Congress advocating for those individuals, they're not in the majority. 

We have a whole year to explore these themes and (hopefully) come up with solutions. The US Pluto return will be exact three times this year— February 20, July 11, and December 28. Think of those dates as the moment in a symphony when the cymbals crash to indicate the climax of a movement. 

Pluto Returns in General

A company or country that goes through a Pluto return moves through a sort of make-it-or-break-it period. We have seen examples of this when new republics have been formed, or companies change their existing structure or name. It's a turning point, and we'll likely go through a breakdown before the breakthrough. 

I've heard rumblings of movements of people just not paying their debt, and I think this is an example of the kinds of conversations we'll be having at the end of this year.

I'm not entirely an idealist. I understand corporations employ hundreds and even thousands of people. I also understand the need to minimize costs to protect consumers. I'm a conscious capitalist and value our opportunities to create wealth for ourselves and future generations. I'm not saying, "Corporations bad, people good." I'm saying that we need to separate corporations from politics in a similar way that we once separated Church from State. We need to see that this corporation problem in our country is the basis for so many of the injustices we experience here — from the houses we finance to the air we breathe. 

Despite any strides we've made, astrology is clear — we're going through a rebirth. Pluto's helping us shine a light on the corruption in our economy and the entanglements that keep us from being economically free.

As I say this, I'm aware of the conflict brewing between Russia and Ukraine. I'm also mindful of the fragility of our public perception under the influence of this transit. It could get ugly this year, especially in July. 

Astrology gives us a lens through which to look at these concepts and draw from previous cycles throughout history. For example, in the 1500s, Pluto was also in late degrees of Capricorn, which led up to the Protestant Reform. A spotlight shone on the abuse of economic power of the Catholic Church and its tie-in with politics. Each time Pluto makes its way through this sign, money, institutions, and power seem to be themes. Then, it enters Aquarius, and a revolution of thought and technology begins in response to the recalibration of power under Pluto in Capricorn.

We're going to be moving in this direction. I think we'll see a rise in decentralized banking, Internet technology, and other systems on a really practical level. We could see more stories in the news and in documentaries about these subjects and action steps we can take to make real, lasting change. We are going to be falling out of power in some ways as we move through this cycle, and we'll watch other countries come into more power because of economic instability. Inflation is already a concern, which will continue to be a talking point. Finally, we will see more individuals leaving corporate positions and working in new ways. As with the American Revolution, individuals will lead the charge with the Pluto return, and they'll be the ones sparking change on a grassroots level. 

We can envision a different future — new outcomes for our economy and our country as a whole. Now's a creative time because it's the start of a cycle, and we often don't see what we're creating until that cycle is underway (usually by the 1st quarter phase of that cycle when things are illuminated). 

What do you envision? Imagine? Dream? Let's think creatively about what we want to leave future generations in this new Pluto cycle. 


March Horoscopes


February Horoscopes