Rachel Lang

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Pluto in Aquarius

When Pluto enters a new sign, it makes its presence known! So, Pluto’s entering Aquarius when social media is at a crisis point (Aquarius = technology and the Internet). I just learned from my friend Bonnie Gillespie that Twitter targets gun ads to anyone who posts rap lyrics, which makes my skin crawl. But why does that seem more offensive than Instagram targeting me for skincare ads for skin moisturizers or clothing lines that look similar to Zadig & Voltaire? Technology will change, advance rapidly in new directions, and be entirely reborn over the next two decades, and it starts this year!!

Pluto’s entry into Aquarius offers opportunities for community-minded individuals to organize and come together for significant social change. This transit encourages us to participate in our communities and embrace democratic ideals. It inspires us to be agents of change, and we’ll experience this as a revolutionary time.

When Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1778-1798, we had a total mindset shift - a scientific revolution with the invention of a telescope that allowed us to see beyond Saturn. Before that, in the 1500s, we had the Copernican Revolution, after Nicolaus Copernicus developed the theory that the earth revolves around the Sun. Think of how discovery shifted our understanding of our place in the universe. It was indeed revolutionary at the time. Before that, Pluto was in Aquarius in the 1286-1308 - a time of innovation in science and information-sharing.

With this energy, we gain the courage to explore new ideas — a total shift in consciousness. We can boldly pursue collective progress with revolutionary zeal and optimism toward a brighter future. The possibilities are endless!

Aquarius is the sign of the radical individual and the community. It shows how our communities are stronger when we make a place for individuals to be themselves and share their unique gifts. At the same time, we have a tension between individual freedom and the common good. We’ll see pushing back against people in power and questioning why things are the way they are.

Strength in our Communities

Pluto in Aquarius is an empowering time to unite as a community and create a more sustainable, progressive future for everyone. We have a renewed energy to take the initiative and make fundamental changes. By tapping into our collective power, we open new pathways for creating positive transformation – whether through civic engagement, grassroots activism, or simply by sharing different perspectives – all of which can help build community strength.

Ultimately, Pluto in Aquarius encourages us to come together under the banner of democracy, not just as individuals but as citizens doing their part to create a better place for everyone.

Democracy is in a state of flux. Around the world, power structures are shifting, and new forms of democracy are emerging, reflecting the diversity of voices within society. In recent years, colonialism has been increasingly questioned, and power dynamics are being re-evaluated to give greater autonomy and power to those who have historically experienced oppression. The rise of Indigenous movements such as Idle No More in Canada demonstrates how old power structures can be challenged and replaced with more inclusive models of democracy.

At the same time, technology has played a crucial role in advancing democracy by giving citizens easier access to information and creating platforms for debate and dialogue among citizens. Social media networks have allowed people worldwide to share their experiences, connect, and become more engaged in their communities.

The way democracy is changing is only beginning, but it has already shown immense potential to create meaningful impacts on people’s lives worldwide. Together, let us strive towards a new vision of democracy that empowers citizens everywhere. Let us all work together towards creating an equitable society!


When Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008, it sent a power surge of change through the world's economic systems. Banks and other power brokers were shaken as this new energy took hold. As a result, the need for greater responsibility and transparency within those power structures rose to the surface.

This shift continues today, and we saw it when Pluto was at 29˚ Capricorn — the Silicon Valley Bank collapsed. We’re not out of the weeds yet. Pluto will be back and forth over that Capricorn/Aquarius cusp until late 2024.

We have seen several power players take ownership of their roles as agents of change in our banking systems and institutions.

Pluto in Aquarius is interested in restoring power to the people, but not so fast! Aquarius is also the sign of the tension between dictators and those who rise against dictatorship. During Pluto’s time in Aquarius, we’ll see a recalibration of power in all ways.

Space, AI, and VR

Aquarius is a tech sign. It’s a sign interested in how we connect along the various invisible lines and airwaves of communication. It’s space and space travel, too. We saw scientific revolutions and inventions during Pluto’s last few times in Aquarius. Space exploration has been a theme, too. For example, the theory on black holes was first published in the 1780s, and Uranus was discovered in 1781. Batteries were also invented during Pluto’s time in Aquarius, allowing us to use technology in new ways.

Will we make contact with beings from other planets and galaxies? It’s more likely than not under this transit. Expect UFOs to be more notable in the news.

We could also see an attempt to colonize the Moon or other planets over the next 20 years. I’m not saying it will be easy, but we will push the boundaries of what we know is possible right now.

Artificial Intelligence will be a way of life, and by the time Pluto’s ready to move into Pisces 20 years from now, we’ll implement AI in all sectors and industries.

Virtual reality will start to take off even more than it has. We could see space travel through VR tours.

This innovation raises the question of who owns what intellectual property. It will go beyond our classrooms and into every industry, including art.

Air Travel

I believe we’ll be using air transportation in exciting ways. In the 1780s, the first hot-air balloon flight launched, starting a revolution in air travel that led to construction of Imagine air taxis that could transport people around town fast. Parachutes and the steam engine were also invented during that time.

The airline industry will be going through a significant shift, mainly because Aquarius tends to be a more environmentally-focused sign.

Is it a surprise Pluto's move into Aquarius starts after air travel fiascoes of late 2022 and early 2023? Pluto showed us the upset, so we will begin to dream the solution.

Access to information

Free wifi for everyone! Okay, maybe I’m a dreamer! What is the free press? What are first amendment rights, and how do we exercise them? Aquarius is an air sign, and the air element relates to ideas, information, and communication.

For example, in the 1780s, the British Gazette and Sunday Monitor, the first Sunday newspaper in Britain, began its publication. The telegraph was invented in the 1790s, and innovations in printing and seeing (eyeglasses in the 1200s, spectacles in the 1700s) were also invented at the time.

Pluto in Aquarius gives power to the people, which means offering us ways to reach more people to spread information and share news. We could see free access to technology and wifi. Also, new media platforms help people access important news.

Pluto in Aquarius for your sign (Read for your rising if you know it)


Your friendships are in transition. As you change and evolve, you may not relate as well with friends from your past. Or you could find yourself attracted to influential political groups, leading to intense disagreements with friends. It’s tough not to go all-in when Pluto’s activating points in our charts, and you may want to immerse yourself in a community, especially a spiritually-based one.

As you navigate these challenging situations, your friendships have the potential to transform and evolve. Through open communication and mutual understanding, these experiences can ultimately strengthen your bonds, leading to more profound and resilient connections.

Embracing change and growth within your friendships can foster personal development and enrich your relationships in the long run. You could befriend influential people or benefactors at this time. Step into a leadership role and let your gifts shine!


During this transit, anticipate significant shifts in your career and overall life direction, likely to have long-lasting impacts on your future. It’s a time when you’ve got power of presence — shine your light on big stages. You could attract influential and powerful people into your life, and they’ll open the doors for you to step on those stages. Be willing to be seen, and remember, you’ll be seen. So, stay in integrity and know your ultimate career and public goals.

You could have significant career changes, power struggles in the workplace, changes in status (like entering or ending a marriage), or any other event that propels you onto a new path.

One potential difficulty during this transit is the resurfacing of memories, compelling you to confront aspects of your life you’d prefer to forget. Facing these issues head-on is crucial to clear your conscience and moving forward in life. Additionally, you may encounter obstacles that must be overcome before you can progress. It could involve dealing with someone standing in your way or having difficulty fulfilling a specific obligation.

To make the most of this transformative period, engage in deep introspection to seek guidance for any questions about your life's direction. Listen for your sacred call - your mission. Once you have gained clarity, implement changes while upholding integrity and honesty at all times. You can accomplish a lot! Be willing to dream big and set the stage for a more fulfilling and purposeful future.


You strongly desire to explore deeper meanings in life, which may lead to an intense fascination with travel, education, or spirituality. Studying Astrology is a way this transit could manifest, too. Your quest for knowledge and adventure could take you to distant lands or academia. Your spirit is being enriched and transformed as you open your mind to new perspectives and wisdom.

However, it is important to be careful not to join a cult (ha!) or develop rigid personal philosophies during this journey. Embrace open-mindedness, curiosity, and a willingness to learn from diverse sources and experiences, as this will facilitate a more balanced and inclusive approach to your pursuit of higher knowledge.

By remaining receptive to the ideas of others and acknowledging the complexity and diversity of human experiences, you can continue to grow and evolve in your understanding of the world. This broad-minded approach will enrich your life and foster a greater sense of empathy and connection with those around you.

Publishing is also a possibility under this influence.


You possess a strong desire to connect with others, forming meaningful and lasting bonds. However, love, relationships, and commitment are intense during this transit! The lovers and partners you meet will transform your life because they will trigger anything unhealed in your psyche. Rely on your intuition to avoid a broken heart or becoming involved with people you can’t trust. You’re learning to own your power in relationships.

Maintaining integrity in your actions is essential, even if you cannot guarantee that others will do the same. Staying true to your values creates a foundation for successful and trustworthy relationships. Additionally, this period may spark a deep interest in metaphysical subjects and occult sciences, further enriching your understanding of the world and your place in it. You might embark on a healing journey or start going to therapy.

During this time, you may also experience changes in shared resources, whether financial or otherwise. Navigating these shifts with open communication, cooperation, and a focus on mutual benefit will help ensure your collaborations remain strong and resilient despite fluctuations.

By acting with integrity and fostering a genuine interest in the well-being of others, you can cultivate meaningful connections while also pursuing personal growth and enrichment. It’s a good time to rethink your relationship with death and to be willing to let go of attachments to unhealthy relationships. You’re in a spiritual awakening.


You have a strong desire to be in close relationships, like a marriage or business partnership. You seek balanced connections and collaborations but may have to go to extremes to find that balance. Relationships could fluctuate, or you could be met with challenges. It’s important not to abandon yourself or ignore your inner voice when it comes to love.

Obsession is a Pluto keyword, and you could become drawn into a passionate, intense relationship. Be careful not to let that depth venture into possession or obsession. Keep it all in perspective. Relationships could feel all-consuming. You’re learning to love without bounds but need good, healthy boundaries.

You could meet influential business partners, but use your intuition to avoid becoming involved with underhanded deals or unethical practices.

Upholding integrity in your actions is your saving grace. Staying true to your values establishes a solid foundation for successful and trustworthy relationships. Furthermore, this period may ignite a profound interest in metaphysical subjects, allowing you to expand your understanding of the world and your role within it.


This period presents a prime opportunity for a fresh start if you've been seeking to revamp your routine. If you've been considering adopting a new diet or exercise regimen or making other lifestyle improvements, now is an excellent time to take action. Be careful not to go too far with extreme diets, though.

Health is a significant concern during this period, and you could delve deep into alternative healing modalities. You could also become more interested in learning about nutrition or health.

Service is a focal point, and you are learning to prioritize making a contribution. Remember, self-sacrifice isn’t required for a service-oriented path. You don’t have to become a martyr to make a huge mark on the world.

As you make changes, communicate openly with those around you, ensuring they understand your intentions and can adapt to the new circumstances. Embrace the transformation and use this time to reassess your priorities, habits, and daily rituals. Doing so can create a more fulfilling and well-balanced lifestyle supporting your well-being and personal growth.


You are tapping into your creative genius and need to express yourself. Step up on stage and perform, or work with an agent to help launch a career in entertainment. Your energy would be best directed through an all-consuming creative project that will show your true genius. Go deep into storytelling and let yourself shine. Be seen!

Be careful with gambling or risk-taking right now. If you’re winning, stop while you’re ahead. A good guiding principle is not to risk money you don’t have to spend.

Same goes with love. It’s a romantic time, indeed! Pluto loves revealing secrets. Keep this in mind if you consider involving yourself with someone unavailable or having a fling you’d rather keep quiet. The truth always sets us free during Pluto transits!

Children, either your own or other people's, may be a big focus. Fertility difficulties could lead to a long path toward parenthood, but don’t shy away from the journey! It will transform your life and inform all aspects of your life in the future. Becoming a parent is a strong possibility.


Plant roots — You’re in a period of deep transformation and upheaval related to your home, family, and emotions. This transit signifies intense change and introspection as you dig down into the roots of your family tree. You’re reliving childhood experiences and understanding family in a new way.

You may have significant shifts in your domestic life, such as relocating, renovating your home, or experiencing changes in your family structure. These changes offer opportunities for growth and reinvention. It is important to face these situations head-on and be willing to let go of outdated beliefs or attachments that no longer serve your best interests.

You might also delve into your past, examining your upbringing and early family life to identify patterns or emotional wounds that need healing. This process can be quite cathartic, allowing you to release deep-seated fears and insecurities, ultimately leading to a more profound understanding of yourself and your emotional needs.

You’re confronting buried feelings and unresolved issues to emerge with a stronger sense of self and a more stable emotional foundation. The ground is moving underneath you, and it is difficult to find a foothold. It can be exciting if you enjoy the challenge of change, but most often, it is a time when you feel vulnerable. You will not feel like the same person by the end of this period.


You’re in a period of profound transformation in areas related to communication, learning, and thinking. This transit signifies a time of changing how you express yourself in the world, and you may decide to write a book or become a teacher. Having a focused project you can dedicate yourself to is helpful, or your mind might become obsessed with thoughts that aren’t helpful to your overall well-being. If you’ve thought of taking up public speaking, now is the time!

During this transit, you may engage in more intense conversations or pursue powerful ideas that challenge your beliefs and perceptions. You could also develop a strong interest in subjects such as psychology, metaphysics, or other fields that delve into the depths of human experience. This intellectual curiosity can lead you to reevaluate your opinions and seek a more profound understanding of the world around you.

Your relationships with siblings, neighbors, or close acquaintances may also undergo transformations during this time. Conflicts or power struggles may arise, prompting you to confront issues and redefine your connections with these individuals. Open communication and a willingness to explore deeper emotional layers can help facilitate healing and growth in these relationships.

You could see changes in your daily routines, travel, or modes of transportation. This could manifest as disruptions to your regular commute or the need to adapt to new methods of getting around. Embracing flexibility and adaptability will be crucial during this time.


Are you ready for a money makeover? It’s a time to transform your personal values, finances, and worldly stuff. This transit signifies a time of deep change in how you earn and spend money. You’re reassessing your relationship with money, possessions, and your sense of security. But ultimately, you’re looking at how deserving of abundance you are. It’s a time to deepen self-worth.

During this transit, you may experience significant shifts in your financial situation, such as a windfall or unexpected expenses. These changes can be challenging, but they offer opportunities to realize you’re powerful enough to attract wealth and security. You might be compelled to confront any fears or anxieties related to money and develop healthier financial habits.

Your values and beliefs around self-worth may also transform during this time. Transiting Pluto encourages you to delve deep into your core values and identify any areas where you may be holding onto self-limiting beliefs or unhealthy attachments. This process can be quite cathartic, allowing you to release past patterns and develop a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence in your abilities.

This period may also prompt you to reevaluate your relationship with material possessions, contemplating their true importance in your life. You might find yourself questioning consumerism and seeking a more meaningful connection with the resources you possess. This can lead to a more mindful and intentional approach to acquiring and managing your belongings.


Are you ready to take on the world? This is a transit I call the “Startup founder to CEO” transit because it’s all about stepping into power in a way unlike ever before. It’s often when you exude power, even if you don’t feel it on the inside. You’re re-imagining your self-image, personal goals, and overall sense of purpose.

During this transit, you may experience a strong desire to change your look, get a tattoo, or make a big move. You own your brilliance and don’t want anyone to stop you. Your outer appearance is reflective of a deeper inner change. Any health concerns relate to that shift, too, and they will usher you into a healing journey on all levels.

On an inner level, you might question your life's direction, contemplate your true desires and ambitions, and let go of outdated beliefs or self-imposed limitations.

Transiting Pluto could also impact your relationships, as your newfound sense of self may create an intensity that affects your interactions with others. You might experience power struggles or conflicts as you assert your independence and newfound confidence. Navigating these challenges with compassion and open communication will be crucial in maintaining and strengthening your connections. It is essential to embrace the process of self-discovery and be willing to let go of what no longer aligns with your evolving identity.


Pluto is enriching your inner world. Ascension? That’s putting it mildly! It’s a time of intense spiritual exploration and delving into the subconscious mind. You might heal ancestral trauma or become more attuned to the invisible forces that influence your life. This transit helps you face fears and heal unresolved grief.

During this transit, you may find yourself drawn to practices that facilitate self-exploration, such as meditation, therapy, or dream analysis. These activities can help you uncover and heal repressed feelings and better understand the patterns and beliefs that have shaped your life.

You could have a renewed interest in spiritual growth and development. You might be drawn to mystical or esoteric studies to expand your understanding of the universe and connection to a higher power. This period presents an opportunity to deepen and integrate your spiritual practice into your daily life.

This transit may also bring to light unhealthy behaviors or addictions. It may also bring hidden things into the light. It’s possible you could work through mental health challenges or be there for a loved one who’s not well. By facing your fears and embracing vulnerability, you can release the past and make room for new beginnings.