
Leo (July 23 – August 22)

We start the month in the thick of Leo season, with the Sun, your ruling planet, shining gloriously on you. Set clear intentions for the year ahead on the Leo New Moon on August 4. This year marks a period of reaping what you've sown, which means you can accept the blessings as rewards for your tireless efforts and navigate the challenges that arise from past missteps. The Sun shines favorably on you this month, so don't hide in the shadows. Your soul's purpose is to express itself, and your creative talents are the vehicles by which you do that.

Venus moves into Virgo on August 4, reminding you to get serious about your financial goals. The planet of magnetic attraction shines her light in a way that helps you navigate new pathways to financial success. Before you do, make sure you start with a clean slate.

Mercury goes retrograde from August 4-28, making it a month to finish business and organize your life. It shines a spotlight on life's details, engaging you in complex conversations about schedules, timelines, and chores. Let this be a time to regroup, especially if you've been working tirelessly to complete a project.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 is a highlight of the month for your romantic life. You could receive a surprise or gift from your partner that helps you feel seen and acknowledged for who you truly are, illuminating a renewed sense of commitment. If you're single, let that commitment be to yourself. Instead of asking what to do to draw in a partner, ask, "Who should I be to attract my love?"

As the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, you experience a burst of self-confidence as your new solar year gets into full gear. Be willing to raise your hands and surrender, saying, "Okay, universe, I submit to the wondrous plan you have in store for me."

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