
Leo (July 23 – August 22)

January invites you into a month of deep reflection and spiritual growth. With Mars retrograde in your sign at the start of the month and then in Cancer after January 6, you may feel compelled to press the pause button on life’s activities and be more introspective. This retrograde period encourages you to explore the hidden gems in the subconscious realm – to prioritize the invisible and unseen. Then, it begs you to come out of hiding in all ways. Shine your light for all to see! 

Mars opposes Pluto on January 3, stirring up power struggles with authority figures, mentors, or those who challenge your ideas. You may also find yourself at a crossroads in a significant relationship, but you don’t need to decide which path to choose until after Mars stations direct on February 23. Until then, hold space for any discomfort you feel. 

Venus enters Pisces on January 3, bringing a sense of beauty and harmony to your inner world. Dwell in artistry, no matter what activities occupy your time. The influence of Venus also suggests a time of balancing your finances. Think long term, and the North Node in Pisces after January 11 will help you discover new ways of experiencing abundance. 

The Cancer Full Moon on January 13 highlights your unconscious self, inviting you to smooth any emotional scars or face unmitigated fears that may be adding resistance to your field. Use this lunation to celebrate how far you’ve come. 

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19 and meets Pluto on January 21, bringing a rebirth in your relationship. The New Moon on January 29 offers a reset button for your partnerships, inspiring new ways of relating with one another—set intentions for balancing your introversion and extroversion.  

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