
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

As the Cancer Sun shines, you are on a mission to redefine your career. Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...." It's time to shake off the old masks you've worn to fit into roles and let your authentic light shine. Be bold in releasing new offerings, embarking on new projects, or pursuing new pathways.

Thanks to Jupiter's urging, you're moving through a cycle of rapid expansion and uncomfortable up-leveling. Though steady, you might feel uncertain, but keep looking forward with faith, knowing that the hurdles you jump now will lay the foundation for future success. While discussing the future, it's important to live in the present. Venus helps as it moves through nurturing Cancer until July 11.

This period encourages you to be present with your loved ones, especially if you have planned reunions. The Sun in Cancer can be challenging for you. While Cancer is the sign of family and home, the Sun's focus shifts to the top of your chart, indicating a flow of energy dedicated to your public life, career, or any other way you choose to leave your mark. This influence can spark tension between your personal desires and professional obligations.

The tension peaks on July 21 with the Capricorn Full Moon – the second in Capricorn this year! This lunation represents a swell of dynamic tension that requires an outlet for relief. Plan self-care activities that get you moving or, conversely, bring you into meditation. 

As the Sun enters Leo on July 22, it gives you a much-needed break from your routines. Surprises lie in store, and friends offer invitations. Say yes to celebrations.

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