
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

As a relationship-oriented Libra, you're surprisingly adept at spending time alone and enjoying your own company. While your ruling planet, Venus, was in Aquarius, you may have noticed an upsurge of authenticity in your relationships. As Venus enters Pisces on March 11, you can expect a transformative experience of universal love. Venus feels more at home in mystical Pisces, and its presence there reminds you to lean into beauty as an antidote to conflict and strife. 

The Pisces New Moon on March 10 asks you to adopt new habits for well-being. It is a powerful time to reexamine all elements of your spiritual, emotional, and physical routines. Say thank you to whatever no longer serves you and release it. 

The Sun enters Aries on March 19, and it's time to fill your own cup by giving yourself the love and care you deserve. You believe in reciprocity in your relationships, but you tend to prioritize others instead of yourself. The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 shows you how to have more presence in the world, making you aware of how you hide your light. Your significant relationships could undergo a shift, especially if you feel you've offered more than your fair share. Restore harmony by carving out individuated time.

The end of the month brings the beginning of eclipse season. This one's more dramatic because the South Node is moving through your sign, asking you to release certain parts of yourself that may feel core to who you are. Once you loosen your grip, you'll see that you were attached to a much younger part of yourself that can't appropriately react to your current life. During this time, you can clearly see patterns and dynamics, but you can't fix problems alone. Thankfully, you have helpers lined up for encouragement and support.

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