
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

You’re born under a water signs. As a Pisces, you're driven by the invisible waves of energy and vibes around you. You pick up on the feelings of others and the astrological shifts that color our experiences. Even when you put on a tough exterior, you're feeling it all. When emotional waves hit, remember to stay true to your commitments and build a routine to tackle everything step-by-step. The Leo Sun (until August 22) activates intense storylines, but you don’t have to be the protagonist. You can be a background character minding your own business. What freedom! 

The Aquarius New Moon on August 4 is a mind-opener, helping you see aspects of your health or life story in a new light. It's a healing cycle completing a process that started six months ago. You'll notice things coming full circle.

The Sun is shining on your creative projects and self-expression. Mars moving through communicative Gemini gives you the inspiration you need. Mercury is retrograde from August 4-28, making it a time to reconnect with people from your past. Allow yourself to take it all in stride. Venus moves through Virgo from August 4 - 29, adding intrigue to your relationship questions. As Juno enters Libra on August 9, those questions relate to commitments. 

When the Sun enters Virgo on August 22, it’s time to get excited about partnering with others in business or romance. You might feel the pressure with some of your current relationships. It offers a chance to ask clarifying questions. As Mercury concludes its retrograde journey, the end of the month is a good time for letting go and decluttering both your physical and mental spaces. 

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