
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

This month, you are stepping into a mystical, magical, and marvelous dream world. Neptune stations retrograde on July 2, inviting you to dive deep into your inner ocean. As the wateriest of the water signs, never underestimate the importance of water for your spiritual well-being. Spend time near the water this month. Water is the element of our emotions, and with the Sun shining in Cancer until July 22, you'll feel the rocking of emotional waves more intensely than usual. Embrace meditation, journaling, and any activities that allow you to connect deeply with your inner self.

Mid-month, Mars meets Uranus in a powerful transit that brings out the rebel warrior in most of us. For you, however, it may inspire your inner peacemaker. With Mars in Taurus, the passion planet feels more like smoldering embers than fireworks. Remember, you don't have to take on others' hardships as your own. Sometimes, a warrior must know when to escape a no-win battle unharmed.

The Full Moon on July 21 invites you to take a stand in a relentless situation. Under the severe and definitive energy of the Capricorn Moon, you're determined to act with courage. It's a time to get to work and address challenges head-on. This lunation supports you in making firm decisions and setting boundaries where needed.

When the Sun enters Leo on July 22, the month closes with a surge of energy, motivating you to follow through on health-related goals. Signs and synchronicities will be everywhere, so pay attention. What may seem like a mere coincidence could be the universe guiding you toward your next step. Cancer season is a time of manifestation, so speak your desires into existence and take actionable steps to bring them to life.

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