
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

From now to August 22, the Sun shines in Leo, the sign that rules the heart. Don't you feel most free when you're following your heart? The surest way to know you're aligned to its rhythm is your feeling of enthusiasm, which etymologically speaking means "inspiration with God." Could it be that following your heart is your way of answering a divine call? As one born under the sign of the philosopher, I'll let you decide.

Can you feel the mix of hope and progressive change? This month, the Leo Sun shines on you in a way that awakens your faith in the goodness of others and motivates you to answer a sacred call. How can you make the most of this energy? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on August 14 amplifies your optimism and adventurous spirit. It's an excellent time to take bold steps towards your goals and explore new horizons. Things start to change after August 22, when the Sun moves into Virgo.

The New Moon on August 4 invites you to set intentions around your creative endeavors and heartfelt desires. Embrace this fresh start to reignite your passions and pursue new opportunities that align with your true self. Mercury stations retrograde that day, leading you into reflections about past journeys and experiences. Use this time to gain insights and learn from your past, but avoid getting stuck in regrets. 

The Aquarius Full Moon on August 19 highlights your social connections and intellectual pursuits. It may bring new insights and opportunities for collaboration. Embrace the community spirit and share your wisdom with others. Then, as the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, it's a time to focus on practical matters and everyday routines. Organize your life to support your long-term goals and well-being.

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