
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

Under the nurturing Cancer Sun, wouldn't you like a break from life's busyness? Your mind longs to contemplate philosophical questions, journal, or pause for reflection. The slower pace of Mars in Taurus provides you more time to spend with loved ones or fluff your nest. You're in a profoundly creative period that requires time away from your routine. The Cancer New Moon on July 5 washes away fear and insecurities. Let the clearing create space for planting new seeds.

At the start of the month, be dedicated to doing brilliant things. Anything you create now will take time to manifest, but your patience and focus will pay off. You'll see positive outcomes with the Capricorn Full Moon on July 21. 

On July 15, Mars meets Uranus, sparking a surge of innovative energy and unexpected changes. This alignment can bring sudden insights and a desire for freedom. Embrace this dynamic energy to explore new horizons. 

Venus shines in Cancer until July 11, then moves through Leo, making romance a theme at the end of the month. Leo, a passionate sign, introduces an element of magic in your love life. The Leo Sun adds excitement, taking you on a healing journey as it opposes Pluto on July 22. This transit enhances your charm and personal magnetism, making it an excellent time for romance and heartfelt expression. It's a fertile time. Let your heart lead the way.

You may be invited to travel after July 22. Say yes to the call. If you encounter delays, relax and stay in the moment. Saturn is retrograde, making it a month to remedy karma and close chapters. Trust that there are reasons why things happen as they do. Celebrate the new beginnings in long-term relationships.

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