
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

In a recent podcast interview, one of my guests, Michelle Arpin Begina, described a concept in financial literacy called "present bias" from her recent book, Be Good with Money. Present bias is the tendency to favor immediate rewards over future benefits. Are you competing with your future self? As an intuitive Scorpio, you can often perceive events before they happen. Being born in a fixed sign, you seek to prepare well ahead of time before any major changes occur.

As Mercury stations retrograde on August 4, it ushers you into a three-week journey of balancing past, present, and future desires with present-day realities. This period can feel intense. Consider this a month to practice mindfulness—real mindfulness, not just the Instagram version. Dedicate yourself to this practice to navigate the shifting timelines and desires.

You are experiencing the rapid change many of us did at the end of July as Mars met with change-master Uranus in your opposite sign. Everything feels in flux, and you might have felt like the universe was handing you a wild card. Move through this time with a held sense of surrender, especially at the time of the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19.

The Sun shines in Leo, casting a spotlight on your career. This is an ideal time to pursue new opportunities or engage with a new career trajectory. The Leo New Moon on August 4 serves as a reminder that burnout is an indicator that something needs to change. Give yourself the rest you need and act accordingly.                                                  

 The Sun enters Virgo on August 22 and lights up the social sectors of your chart, making this a favorable time to become more involved with your community or to find ways to share your gifts with the world. 

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