
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

Mars is in your opposite sign this month, causing a noticeable slowdown in your usual rapid pace. Delays give you time to realize how life is urging you to pause. On July 15, Mars meets rebel Uranus for what could be a fireworks festival in your mind. A family vacation planned at a peak period at work, a family visit disrupting your routine, or something as simple as a traffic jam could set your mind reeling with questions for which there are no clear answers. Should I stay or go? Is this the right decision? These pressures might be teaching you what's most valuable. The good news? You can take your time. 

One of your gifts is the power of intuition—you can sense what's coming before you recognize any clues in your everyday life. This month, pay attention to those whispers; they will not lead you astray. The Cancer Sun shines dramatically in your chart, awakening your hunger for knowledge and your quest for adventure until July 22. Notice what travel-related opportunities pique your interest, especially if they involve seasonal discounts or special packages. Don't wait for circumstances to be perfect; stay open-minded to what's possible.

The Sun moves into Leo on July 22, along with Mercury (from July 2- 25) and Venus (from July 11 - August 4); a spotlight shines on your talents and offers recognition. If you've considered showcasing your work more publicly, now is the time to outline a plan and rally support, especially if your job involves a stage, gallery space, or publication. 

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 highlights neighborly interactions, making it a time to understand the value of local celebrations or seasonal events. Engage with your community and appreciate the connections you share.

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