Secondary Progressions Class 2
Progressed Planets Changing Signs
Moves about 1˚ a day
Changes sign roughly every 30 years
When Progressed Sun Changes Signs
You feel it for 3 years
1 year when it’s reaching completion - 29˚
1 year when it’s complete – 0˚ - 1˚
1 year of integration when it’s passing on 1˚ - 2˚
Moves 11˚14’ – 15˚14’ every year
Changes sign roughly every two and a half years
Moving around Zodiac 27 years
When Moon Changes Signs
3 Months
A subtle shift in energy
Different types of emotional experiences prevalent
Change in the emotional landscape
Moves 2˚ over a year at its fastest
An average of 1˚ 20’ per year
0˚ 38’ to 1˚ 21’ when retrograde
In one sign an average of 21 years
When Mercury Changes Signs
You feel the transition for about 2 years
The change integrates faster than the Sun
When it’s 0˚ - 1˚, you will have started the new cycle
Moves a maximum of 1˚ 25’ per year
Moves at an average of 1˚ 12’ each year
Stays in one sign for about 25 years
When Venus Changes Signs
You feel the transition for about 2 years
By the time it reaches 2˚, you will have started the new cycle
Moves a maximum of 0˚ 75’ per year
Moves at an average of 0˚ 31’ each year
Stays in one sign for about 40 years
When Mars Changes Signs
You feel the transition for about 4 years
There is a build-up of energy and can be restlessness at the 29˚ point
By the time it reaches 1˚, you will have started the new cycle
Varies depending on the location
How we experience ourselves in the world
How the world experiences us
1˚ each year
Public life