
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

The turtle, a symbol of nurturance, carries its home on its back. It is always sheltered, no matter where it goes. This month, embrace the turtle's wisdom. Can you be at home with yourself, no matter what? As the Sun shines in Leo, it prompts you to reflect on this question. There’s no place like home might be your mantra for the first few weeks of the month. The Leo New Moon on August 4 asks you to take a good look at your living space and make adjustments if needed. 

Mercury stations retrograde on August 4, and your thoughts inspire memories of simpler times. This retrograde cycle offers you a chance to revisit and reassess what "home" means to you physically and emotionally. It’s a time of self-nurturing and healing. 

Mars meets Jupiter on August 14 in a powerful conjunction that energizes your drive to achieve. Your ego could be louder during that week; give it outlets for expression through writing, art, adventures in nature, or competitions. This dynamic energy could propel you forward, but remember the symbolism of the turtle and stay rooted at the core and connected to your inner sense of stability

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 is a visionary lunation. You can see new horizons, making this an excellent time to imagine what’s possible in your career. Dream big and trust that a creative process is unfolding for you. Trust yourself to make the next moves toward your path of purpose. 

Wellbeing is a multi-layered pursuit that involves diet, exercise, rest, and taking time to enjoy the sensual aspects of life. Stop and smell the roses! Your ruling planet, Venus enters Virgo on August 4, making this a time of curation – evaluate ways to simplify your life by being choosy.

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