
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

The etymology of the word vulnerable means "capable of being wounded." My colleague and friend Caroline Casey referenced this at a recent talk and proposed using the word willing as an alternative when it fits. The South Node enters your sign on January 11 for the next 18 months, and this transit can punctuate our vulnerabilities. Perhaps this year, however, it's an invitation for you to be willing to be authentic in relationships, share your story, or relax, even when there's work to do.

January is a month for organization, planning, and laying the foundation for a productive year ahead. With Mars retrograde until February 23, you may not be as motivated for big projects. Instead, celebrate simple pleasures or minor accomplishments. You'll shift your vibration as you do. The retrograde energy encourages reflection and refinement, so use this time to fine-tune your goals before taking action.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 13 invites you to tune out mental static and be fully present, allowing your creative genius to shine. Find ways to share your artistry with others.

With the Sun in Capricorn until January 19, romance adds warmth and light to your January. 

After January 3, Venus in Pisces suggests a more heart-centered and romantic spark in your relationships. The end of the month is a great time to express your love through action, strengthening your connections with those you care about. As the Sun conjuncts Pluto on January 21, you may find this moment transformative in your relationships and feel vulnerable. It's miraculous to witness a Virgo with a muted inner critic. That kind of courage is contagious.

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