
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

July is a month of introspection, community connection, and learning to trust your inner wisdom. As a Virgo, your sign is one of discernment, making it essential to feel like you have choices. However, every Virgo I know wrestles with perfectionism, sometimes making you question your decisions. Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect choice. The act of decision-making is a test of faith in yourself. This month, don't overthink things. Commit to a pathway forward. 

This message is critical as Saturn moves through your opposite sign, and Neptune clouds your sense of what's real and what isn't. Both of these planets are retrograde this month. Clear-cut answers might not be available. Instead, trust your gut. Literally. If your stomach feels unsettled, reconsider. If everything flows smoothly, take it as a sign from the universe. This year is a lesson in relying on sensation for direction instead of empirical evidence.

The Cancer New Moon on July 5 offers a much-needed respite from the busyness of life. Enjoy time with friends and use this opportunity for a road trip or a gathering in a remote location, somewhere off the beaten path where you can build new memories. Let some fireworks fly in celebration of your heartfelt connections.

On July 21, the Capricorn Full Moon highlights romantic love. It adds spice to any long-term partnership or opens the gateway for new connections if you're single. Follow magnetic attraction and resist anything that feels like hard work. 

As the Sun moves through Cancer until July 22, it shines on your community, inviting you to feel more connected to neighbors and acquaintances. It's time to see how you fit into a professional organization. However, be mindful not to overfill your schedule—reserve time and energy for what truly matters to you.

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