
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

The Sun shines brightly in Gemini until June 20, lighting up the area of your chart designated to creativity, romance, and self-expression. Under its beams, you could feel a surge of inspiration, making it an excellent time to dive into artistic projects or pursue hobbies you enjoy. Your social calendar may fill up quickly, so embrace opportunities to connect with friends and loved ones. The Gemini Sun encourages you to share your innovative ideas and perspectives. Don’t hold back!

On June 16, Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, shifting your focus to your home and family life. Venus brings a harmonious energy, making this a perfect time to beautify your living space or spend quality time with your family. You might be drawn to nurturing activities like cooking, gardening, or creating a cozy environment. Mercury's transit into Cancer enhances your communication skills within your domestic sphere, encouraging heartfelt conversations and deeper connections with your loved ones.

Exercise caution on June 11 when Mars in Taurus squares Pluto in your sign, showing a contest of wills. Any conflicts could escalate, or you could be more aware of tension from unspoken frustrations. 

As the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20, your attention moves towards tending the home fires. You may be more aware of your emotional well-being and the support systems you have in place. It's a time for self-care and ensuring your environment feels like a sanctuary. The Cancer Sun invites you to prioritize your inner world and cultivate a sense of security and comfort.

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 spotlights your finances, and you could discover a bonus gift or have an economic win. Let optimism carry you to the end of the month.