June Horoscopes

Our ideas are out of this world at the start of June. Jupiter in Gemini moves into a trine aspect with Pluto on June 2, and we gain courage as we realize the influence we have to affect change in the lives of others and ourselves. Jupiter’s influence broadens our worldview, helping us think of ways to transport ourselves beyond the confines of our daily routines. We could be more oriented to futuristic thinking as Mercury moves into a sextile aspect to Neptune on June 2 before entering Gemini on June 3. Flying cars, UFOs, and technological advances in transportation could pop up in our social media feeds or news outlets. These stories prep us for Uranus’s ingress into Gemini in 2025. 

Jupiter graces Gemini season with social activities, good books, and summer road trips. On June 4, Mercury conjoins Jupiter, making the start of June a favorable time to start a writing project or intellectual pursuit. If you’re a writer, carve out time to develop a concept.

The New Moon on June 6 is at 16˚17’ Gemini. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is the head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker. The theme suggests the growth and development of our mindset and ideas. What have we learned during this season, which started with the eclipses and Mercury retrograde, included the Jupiter–Uranus conjunction, and offered us Jupiter’s entry into Gemini? 

This lunation allows us to reflect and appreciate ourselves in the process. The New Moon features a conjunction with Venus, a trine to the South Node, and a square to Saturn. We are learning to accept our inner authority and define our lives according to that intuitive wisdom. Venus invites us into relationships with others in celebration or play.  

With Chiron conjunct Hygeia in Aries, this lunation is a time to prioritize health and wellness. Take extra Vitamin C to avoid catching the summer cold. Keep up with your health regimen in the summer, especially if traveling.

Tensions rise on June 11 as Mars in Taurus challenges Pluto in Aquarius. We could meet conflict with wilfulness. This square helps build grit and determination. We can grow more tenacious in the pursuit of our desires. At the same time, we must learn that holding tight to a position requires more life-force energy than letting it go. 

The Sun conjoins Mercury on June 14, helping us bridge divides through dialogue. Mercury and Venus end their cycles in Gemini on June 16, both entering Cancer and bringing us back home to ourselves. As we head into the next season on the solstice, we turn inward, thanks to the reserved quality of Cancer’s protective shell. After a period of intellectual stimulation and movement, we might be pleased to take a reprieve.

Cancer’s season starts on June 20, and the Capricorn Full Moon follows immediately after on June 21. The symbolism suggests a period marked by the illumination of truth that catalyzes significant change. 

The Sabian symbol for 0˚ - 1˚ Cancer:

 On a ship, the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one, encapsulates a radical change of allegiance, a symbolic act that marks a point of no return. 

Considering the socio-political events of 2024 and Pluto's transformative shift into Aquarius, the Sabian Symbol signifies a pivotal moment in our collective journey. Though the Sun transits through this degree each year on the solstice, this year, the imagery strikes a chord and hints at the changes and opportunities ahead. This season may well mark a significant turning point in our culture.

As the Sun enters Cancer, it forms a quincunx aspect to Pluto retrograde, showing our discomfort with the unfinished business of Pluto's transition from one sign to another. We could be more protective of our resources, defensive of our political positions, or challenged by loved ones during this time. Vesta in Leo opposes Pluto, indicating an unsettled sense of societal unrest that makes us cling to our stable structures and daily rituals. As the transit perfects on June 23, we'd be tempted to crawl under Cancer's shell and wait for external tensions to subside. However, the drumbeat of the Aries North Node propels action on behalf of what we hold dear. 

Saturn stations retrograde on June 29 and Neptune stations retrograde on July 2, making this season a time to finish business. Saturn's influence reminds us to pause before accepting new responsibilities and ensure our activities are aligned with our goals. Because both planets are in Pisces, expect pools, rivers, and beaches to have more activity as individuals and creatures gravitate to the water for relaxation and healing. 

I picture late June and early July energies feeling like a collective baptism. Neptune's influence must not be understated. It stations retrograde at 29˚ 55'' Pisces, just a few arc minutes from its ingress into Aries and that zero-degree world point! 

The Sabian Symbol for this anaretic degree is:

 A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness and, as he grows up, begins to look like it. 

This symbolism speaks to the importance of our visioning power right now. With Chiron being a big player in this year's sky story, we seek mentors and guidance from those with more wisdom. As Neptune stations retrograde, it asks us to differentiate between those who genuinely desire to share knowledge versus those who seek an audience for an ego boost. 

As Saturn and Neptune appear to move backward in Pisces, we could gain new insights into the meeting point between the seen and unseen influences at work in our lives. We journey into our subconscious minds, desire to connect with our extrasensory perceptions and balance evidence with intuition.


May Horoscopes