
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

Love, sex, and money—this month invites you to explore your relationship with each of these powerful forces and how they intertwine. With finances taking center stage, the New Moon on September 2 offers you a fresh start toward cultivating a more abundant mindset. Remember, wealth isn’t just about having money; it’s about creating financial structures that allow your resources to work for you. This is a time to think outside the box and innovate.

The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 brings the potential for sudden changes in your economic affairs. Eclipses are cosmic reminders that we’re not alone—the universe truly has our backs. If you find yourself needing support, trust that the right circumstances will align. Even if you’re usually skeptical, open your heart to miracles. 

Starting September 1, Pluto re-enters Capricorn, completing a 14-year journey that’s been all about strengthening your inner resilience. This transit has challenged you to expand your mind and open your heart to possibilities you may never have imagined. Perhaps you’ve explored new realms of consciousness, or maybe you’ve had experiences that have shifted your perspective in profound ways. As Pluto wraps up its time in Capricorn, ask yourself: How will you let these new perspectives shape you? Can you release outdated patterns, even if they feel ingrained?

When the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, it signals a season of adventure. Whether you’re planning to further your education, embark on a journey, or dive deep into your own belief systems, heed the call from within. With Mercury joining the Sun in Libra on September 26, you’ll find the support you need to turn dreams into reality. Plan that trip—whether it’s for this Autumn or next Spring—and get ready to gather life-changing memories.

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