September Horoscopes

Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn on September 1, and we could learn more about power and authority in our relationships. This influence invites us to close chapters that were opened during Pluto's time in Capricorn. We've seen a preview of the 20-year cycle that moves into full gear on November 19 when Pluto reaches that 0° Aquarius point for the final time. What business does Pluto in Capricorn have to finish? Identify where the last degrees of Capricorn fall in your chart to determine the area of life where you'll gain closure, move through transformation, and realize your power to shape your life. 

The Virgo New Moon on September 2 features an exciting combination of influences. Mars in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces, indicating a buildup of tension from unrealized dreams. Mars is also in a quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn, suggesting the possibility of projecting our inner frustrations onto others. We need to look within for the answers and avoid placing blame. Virgo can be a purifying influence that invites authenticity and honest self-reflection. As Mars enters Cancer on September 4, it calms the inner fire, compelling us to change. It reminds us to protect those we love and to advocate for the children in our lives, including your own inner child. 

On September 7, the Sun opposes Saturn, making its annual attempt to challenge the planet with the icy rings. Our dedication to a person, place, project or other commitment, could be tested. The Sun inspires creativity, and Saturn grounds our dedication in the here and now. Together, they force us to balance desires and responsibilities. 

We feel this influence throughout September, but it's especially pronounced on September 17 when the Pisces Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse ripples change throughout the field of possibilities. This eclipse shows us a preview of the eclipses along the Virgo-Pisces axis, though the North Node is in the earlier degrees of Aries for this one. We could feel swells of emotion as the Moon moves through Pisces, passing Saturn on its way to oppose the Sun. 

The Moon stands close to Neptune in the lunation chart, amplifying our intuition and extra-sensory perception throughout the day. We could also have a keener perception of the five physical senses — sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell — as well as more sensitivity to color and light. Neptune's influence shows our unbridled access to creativity. It's in a sextile aspect with Uranus, and we could express ourselves in ways that may have seemed taboo before. 

The influence of Venus in Libra opposite Chiron and Eris in Aries shows our ability to express pain, anger, or frustration with graciousness and tact. These transits help draw the third quarter of the year to a close. As the Sun enters Libra on September 22, we are amid the sacred two-week period between eclipses. The truth will be revealed and will set us free. 

As the Sun enters Libra, it moves us toward the end of the year, which will grow increasingly more cathartic, with Pluto leaving its journey through Capricorn in November. Endings of cycles are like wrap-up periods when we revisit all events and evolutionary changes made during that time. We will likely move through the end of this season like we've been standing in line for a roller coaster ride, and it's our turn to board. Fasten your seatbelts!


August Horoscopes