

The Gemini Sun is beaming on your sign until June 21. Gemini is the sign of intellectual curiosity, so expect a mix of intrigue, adventure, and introspection. Mars, your ruling planet, moves through Leo, igniting your passionate, fiery spirit. Venus enters Leo on June 5, kindling romance as well.

Both relationship planets (Venus and Mars) are in a fire sign most of the month. Love is among the month's highlights for even the most individualistic Aries. The Gemini Sun highlights communication. Together, these influences signal a time to express your feelings, declare your love, and say yes to love in all its forms. If you're single, start by looking in the mirror. It's one thing to conceptualize self-love, but have you had a recent somatic experience of it? It begins with accepting - no, loving - the most cringe-worthy aspects of yourself. Then, work on cultivating compassion for all the past versions of yourself.

You've always been one for blazing trails and conquering new territories, and this month is no different. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 drives you towards daring ventures and exciting endeavors. Accept invitations, be spontaneous, and break a habit of changing the routine.

Neptune begins its retrograde journey on June 30 in the most mystical sector of your chart. It's a gentle nudge from the universe to turn inward. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams during this phase; they could be a powerful source of guidance.

As we approach Cancer season, starting on June 21, your focus may shift toward home and family. Balancing your inner free spirit with your focus on home life might be challenging, but if anyone can strike a balance, it's you. Create boundaries around your time and space.

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