

An open road of possibilities lies ahead, and you are ready to take the wheel and drive. Your enthusiasm might propel you to accept every invitation, fearing you might miss out on something great. But now is the time to trust, not push. Sometimes, by standing still, you end up exactly where you need to be. On June 6, under the New Moon, allow yourself to flow with the rhythms of nature, and you’ll notice a myriad of exciting opportunities coming your way.

On June 8, you have a heightened drive towards achieving financial goals as Mars moves into Taurus. Making money is one thing, but this grounded transit asks you to take sustainable actions that align with your larger value system. Be skeptical of investments of time, energy, and money that seem too good to be true.

From now until June 16, Venus moves through Gemini, dancing through your communication sector. Venus lends softness and curiosity to your communications during this time. You may be fascinated by what others have to say, or you may search for perspectives that differ from your own. It is a good time to explore if your values are as set as you previously thought and to expand your worldview through discourse.

The Sun shines in Gemini until June 20, centering your social energy on your immediate community and making it an excellent time to host a neighborly gathering. The Gemini New Moon on June 6 casts a sentimental light on friend and sibling relationships, making you aware of how they’ve shaped you. When the Sun enters Cancer on June 20, the sentimental glow on your home life helps you accept others. Troubled family bonds can heal under the light of the Sun, or you may decide to release them. Either way, your heart remains open.