

This is a period for serious focus as you prepare for the new season, much like a squirrel gathering nuts for winter. Instead of rushing, take time to plan ahead. While Mercury is now direct, it’s still regaining momentum after last month's retrograde, so patience is key. Pluto's return to Capricorn on September 1 signals a pivotal moment for your career, urging you to revisit important lessons about power, authority, and charisma that you’ve been integrating over the past 14 years. This phase is about closing old chapters and recalibrating your purpose, recognizing the influence you have not only on your life but on the world around you.

The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 brings dramatic changes to your work environment. You may be called into new levels of responsibility or need to pick up the slack for someone else who’s on leave. Regardless of the circumstances, know that you are ready for the shifts happening in your daily life and embrace them with joy. After a whirlwind few months, you’ll feel a wonderful sense of being back in your routine, ready to adjust to the new season. Take advantage of the Virgo Sun to get organized—clear out the clutter and make space for all the new growth soon to enter your life.

The Sun shines in your relationship sector after September 22, illuminating the potential for this area of your life. As Mercury enters Libra on September 26, it could help clarify issues you may have had in previous or current partnerships. Understand what activates your insecurities, and you will have an entirely new experience in love. If you are single and hoping to manifest love, relax and allow it to unfold. Trust in divine timing. 

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