
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Under usual circumstances, you’re very adept at discerning which of the options in front of you will benefit you most. But, Capricorn, these times are far from usual. With Pluto going retrograde, perhaps you feel a change in the air. This month, Jupiter lights up your career, giving you options that were not there before. On the one hand, you feel empowered by driving yourself forward. On the other hand, you could feel overwhelmed by decision-making fatigue, especially on June 9, when the Sun challenges your ruling planet, Saturn. What will you dedicate yourself to? Dream big.

Mercury and Venus enter your opposite sign of Cancer on June 16, illuminating your love life. It can be difficult for you to give vulnerability to others for fear that they may misuse your trust. This transit helps you to open your heart and let your feelings flow.

When the Sun enters Cancer on June 20, you may have a burst of social energy. This is a time for establishing new connections without fearing losing yourself. You’re very protective of the parts of your life that give you complete independence and autonomy. But there’s also a part of you that deeply needs to be seen by others. Let your true self shine under the light of the Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 and see who it attracts.

Let the end of the month bring you into deep conversations and moments of awe as Saturn stations retrograde on June 29. If you spend too long dwelling on your perspective, you risk losing the opportunity to evolve and grow.