
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

This month may not be your birthday, but it sure feels like a time of personal celebration. On September 1, Pluto re-enters your sign, marking the end of a transformative 14-year cycle. You’ve learned to step into your power and purpose, even during times when you felt lost or disconnected from your dreams. This month offers you the chance to close those chapters and truly appreciate how much you’ve grown.

With the Sun in your 9th house of adventure until September 22, your focus shifts to what’s next on your journey. The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 brings a powerful transformation in your ability to present yourself or express your ideas. This is a time to initiate your next chapter, not by following what has worked for others, but by tuning into what you genuinely desire. If you follow your wanderlust, the universe will support your leap of faith.

On September 22, the Sun moves into Libra, highlighting balance and justice in your career sector. You’re driven to give 100% to your goals, but it’s also important to enjoy the view once you reach the top. Even if you can’t always achieve a perfect balance, find ways to treat yourself enough to maintain your momentum.

Venus also starts the month in Libra, making it an ideal time to connect with business associates and form collaborations. After September 22, Venus moves into Scorpio, encouraging you to deepen your friendships. Consider which of your work friends you’d love to spend time with outside of the office—it is a perfect time to strengthen those bonds.

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