Gemini (May 20 – June 20):


The harvest season is a time to gather the crops and celebrate the earth's bounty. It's a season of transition and preparation. It may be a metaphor for your whole year as well. What abundance have you reaped? What goodness have you welcomed? You've worked hard and now see the fruits of your efforts. Gather with friends or family and share stories of the year's ups and downs at the Gemini Full Moon on November 27.

In general, November's astrology relieves us from the hectic pace of the past few months. As Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 9, your mind considers the big picture more than the details. So, proofread every email twice before hitting send. Start imagining what you'd like to create and experience in 2024. Instead of thinking of goals or specific intentions, imagine the people you want to see and how you want to feel. Let this inquiry drive your plans.

On November 13, the Scorpio New Moon promises a surprise -- be open to magic. The Moon shines on your work, helping you welcome new opportunities or let go of projects that don't reflect your greatness. Your creative insights could inspire customers, clients, or team members. Be open to sharing your knowledge, wisdom, and ideas. Others are standing by, waiting for directions.

After November 22, the Sun shines in Sagittarius, spotlighting your love life. Venus in Libra acts like Cupid's arrow, piercing through subconscious resistance to draw romantic love. Remember this if you are single and longing for a relationship. Also, keep it in mind if you're partnered and wish for more satisfaction in this area. Open your heart and receive.