April Horoscopes

We start the month with Aries season in full swing. Let me tell you about the first sign of the Zodiac. Aries’ symbol is the ram. He has big horns to charge into battle to prove his dominance. These horns are made of bone and keratin, making them natural shock-absorbers. With extra cushioning around his brain, the ram can charge forth knowing he’s protected.

Aries is also a fire sign. Fire can be the slow flicker of a candle or the rage of a wildfire. Fire warms us or burns us. So, during Aries season, we can go to extremes to find our balance. We feel motivated and driven, but we can be more easily frustrated by a lack of motion.

This month starts with all planets, Chiron, Ceres, and Eris going direct. Mercury enters Aries on April 3 and amplifies the go-getter energy we feel with the Sun and Venus in that sign. We may be a little too optimistic about moving ahead in life... or doubly frustrated if we feel stuck. You’ll feel this most at the New Moon on April 11.

On April 10, aspects between Saturn, Mercury, and the North Node, can help you eradicate the subtle fears keeping you from living a life rich with meaning. It’s courage time— challenge yourself to do some things to stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone. Thinks like taking a public speaking workshop, starting to write a book, or trying online dating. What gives you excited/nervous butterflies in your stomach? Do more of those things this month.

On April 14, Venus feels right at home as she enters Taurus. Our nervous systems slow down a little, allowing us to smell the roses and bond with others. Taurus is a tactile earth sign, and you could feel drawn to physical comfort and pleasure.

Venus, the Sun, and Mercury will form square aspects to Pluto on the 11th, 16th, and 17th, respectively. We’ll likely be more easily triggered during this time. It’s a good idea to pray for peace and send peaceful energy throughout the world. These transits will activate ongoing shifts toward social justice and political change. At the same time, we could see upsets and unrest.

It is a time when people with plans and ideas finally take action. So, some of it may seem out of the blue.

Mercury and the Sun enter Taurus on April 19, and we close our month with more stable energies. It’s time to ground and nurture the seeds that have been planted. Mars enters Cancer on April 23, and we grow slower to act. We proceed with more caution. You may become more reserved with expressing your passion or anger.

The transits at the end of the month make us more careful with our words, relationships, and spending habits. In attempting to feel more security in all areas of your life, you might reach for support, only to find things are shifting. You’ll steady yourself. The Full Moon on April 27 gives us the strength to develop solutions for some of these challenges. It’s also a time to transmute fear into courage.

Grounding practices like surrounding yourself with beauty, being in nature, making art, and working with crystals, will help as we head deeper into Taurus season at the start of May.


May Horoscopes


March Horoscopes