Rachel Lang

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June Horoscopes

June’s astrology feels like a deep sigh after a long day… a warm ocean-air breeze after driving down the 101 in gridlock on a Sunday afternoon… the moment the Sun peeks through gray clouds after a storm…

We still feel the upheaval of the past two months and feel a little shell-shocked, but we can sense the energy shifting. Everything feels calmer now, and really, what was all that turbulence about? Some of it remains a mystery!

June’s astrology shows us the fallout of May’s eclipse and Mercury's retrograde cycle, initiating a period of integration. You've graduated to a new level of spiritual growth through self-discovery. Congratulations! Now, it's time for peace by way of acceptance.

The month starts with Jupiter in Taurus meeting with the North Node on June 1. This transit calls us to dream bigger and expand our sense of purpose. We can become clearer about what brings us satisfaction and fulfillment.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 invites us to question our beliefs and challenge limitations. What’s true? With so much information and news at our fingertips, we have access to all kinds of ideas. We are learning to disseminate what’s relevant to our lives and what aligns with our truth. This lunation reminds us to expand our perception.

On June 5, Venus enters Leo, and it’s time to luxuriate. Venus is the planet of style, beauty, and harmony. As it moves through Leo, notice how your wardrobe and style reflect your essence. Notice, too, your need for balance and self-care. It’s an excellent time to make enhancements or upgrades to your wardrobe. It’s also a time to purge anything from your closets that don’t isn’t fit or match your current vibe. Venus opposes Pluto on June 5, making it a day to reexamine your relationships. Blow-ups can lead to breakthroughs.

Pluto re-enters Capricorn on June 11 and will finish the business it started in 2008. The banking and finance industries will feel the pressure as Pluto helps identify corruption, injustice, or imbalance. Pluto will be in Capricorn until January 20, 2024, but it will move over the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp until November 2024.

Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, bringing our communication faculties up to speed after last month’s retrograde and post-shadow phase. Mercury moves fast through June, entering Cancer on June 26. Expect puzzle pieces to come together. We can solve problems and lean into solutions more quickly.

The Gemini New Moon on June 17 happens the same day Saturn stations retrograde. It’s one step forward with an eye on the past. Saturn’s retrograde cycle helps us reconsider our spiritual practices, emotional safety needs, or career fulfillment. It reminds us to focus on our calling and mission from a spiritual perspective on the 19th when Jupiter forms a sextile to Saturn.

The Sun enters Cancer on June 21 at the solstice. It allows us to connect with our loved ones and nurture our hearts. We’ll need to keep that in mind on June 26 when Mars forms a square aspect to Uranus. Forgiveness offers the freedom we need.

Neptune stations retrograde on June 30 and help us distinguish the mirage from the oasis. Our bubble may burst, but we’ll see a more straightforward path forward.

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