
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

The sky’s the limit, Libra, so dream big. Your eyes are set on new horizons this month, with Jupiter shining in Gemini and blessing you for the next 12 months. The New Moon in Gemini on June 6 opens your mind to explore life out of your comfort zone. You could feel an urge to travel to a new destination or discover a new place to call home. You may not want to leave if you find a place that inspires inner peace!

Your ruling planet, Venus, moves through Gemini until June 16. Venus feels at ease here, and Gemini’s lighthearted and dynamic nature makes this a romantic and social season for you. There’s a sense that anything’s possible during this transit. If you can enjoy having the freedom to flirt, your charm is at its peak. 

You may feel tension between your expanding social circle and your partner’s needs in your relationship. Watch for June 11, when Mars squares Pluto and introduces tension into all storylines. By June 16, when Mercury meets Venus, the tension eases with a transit of love notes and whispered sweet nothings.

Mercury and Venus move into Cancer on June 16, suggesting collaboration with friends and colleagues. Your inner voice calls you to follow your ambition. Dare to take the calculated risks needed to realize your ideas. If you haven’t taken your first step before the solstice on June 20, when the Sun enters Cancer, you’ll get an extra, gentle push. 

Saturn stations retrograde on June 29, making it an excellent time to power through the rest of your to-do list. Take a step back from the hustle and ask yourself if there are any changes you want to make or lessons you’ve yet to incorporate while you still have the time.