
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Of all the signs, yours has faced more hurdles and tests than any other this year. With the South Node in your sign, you’ve learned important lessons in decision-making. This year has taught you to be bold, even when it means ruffling feathers. You've also come to understand the power of your intentions and how they shape the world around you.

In September, the lessons become less defined, focusing on maintaining your authority amid challenges. The eclipse on September 17 kicks off a two-week period of unexpected twists and turns, bringing significant changes and adventures your way.

During this time, you'll have the opportunity to practice compassion, strengthen your boundaries, and be discerning with your time, energy, and spending. Consider it a time for editing your life—whether that’s your wardrobe, schedule, or daily routine. Clear space for the new beginnings that are manifesting as your new solar year approaches.

Pluto’s re-entry into Capricorn on September 1 signals the final stages of reconstruction in your home life. Since 2008, you’ve redefined what family means to you. Maybe your chosen family has supported you in ways your biological family couldn’t, or perhaps you’ve gained deeper insights into your family of origin. This period has also emphasized the importance of ancestral healing and moral repair within your family line.

As you close this chapter, you’re ready to move into a new phase of enjoying the people you love most. The Sun enters your sign at the Equinox on September 22—a powerful day to embrace your role in the spotlight. This astrology asks you to step into your new sense of mission and purpose as Libra season begins.

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