
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

Magic is the willingness to cooperate with everything

- Caroline Casey, Astrologer and the Visionary Activist Show host. 

As the mystic of the Zodiac, you were born with a natural propensity for magic. How can you experience more wonder in your life? Follow synchronicity. You are in the flow if you keep noticing 11:11 or other number sequences or when you encounter signs from the universe. Nature, too, helps open you to more wonder this month. 

You could experience an inner shift at the Gemini New Moon on June 6. You may yearn to reconnect with loved ones or discover the familial roots of some of your behavioral patterns. The more you nourish the roots of your family tree, the more you will grow during this time. 

On June 8, Mars enters Taurus, lending energy and passion to your communication style. You'll feel a surge of motivation to express your ideas, so pick up your megaphone and be ready to use your voice. This transit helps complete writing projects, engage in meaningful conversations, or learn something new. However, be mindful of the tendency to be stubborn in your viewpoints.

Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on June 16 for a time filled with inner musings and poetry. Cue your favorite romance playlist and bask in nostalgia. Venus in Cancer allows you to move gracefully through complicated circumstances. It’s also an excellent time for artistic pursuits. 

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 brings attention to your social life. Through brainstorming conversations, you could have a new perspective on your future. This Full Moon indicates a time of culmination, where you can see the results of your efforts. Reflect on your support systems and consider any adjustments needed to align with your aspirations.