
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

This month, the universe calls you into the depth of your inner world and reconnect with your dreams. The New Moon on September 2 shines a light on your relationships, offering a fresh start and a chance to set intentions for how you connect with others. It’s a beautiful moment to align your relationships with the highest version of yourself—whether that means deepening or loosening the bonds of past relationships that still have a hold on you.

Mercury enters Virgo on September 8, bringing clarity to muddled communication or clearing misunderstandings. It’s a time to revisit any unresolved issues with a fresh perspective, allowing you to engage with others more effectively. 

On September 17, the powerful Lunar Eclipse shakes things up in your partnerships and close relationships. Eclipses are cosmic change agents, and this one may bring sudden realizations about self-worth that shift the way you experience love. If others are benefitting from your generosity, but you’re feeling depleted in return, reflect on how to adjust those dynamics. 

As the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, marking the Equinox, balance becomes your guiding light. The Equinox is a sacred time of equal light and dark, a moment to reflect on how you can bring more harmony into your life. Consider what areas need more equilibrium— whether it’s work and play, giving and receiving, or your inner and outer worlds. This season invites you to cultivate peace within, which will naturally radiate out into every aspect of your life. As you find your center, you'll be perfectly poised to step into the next chapter with grace and confidence.

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