
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

Helen Keller said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." How this phrase captures your essence! As someone who thrives on exploration, new experiences, and grand adventures, routine can feel stifling. If life has started to feel a bit too predictable, it might be time to shake things up. With the Sun in Virgo at the start of the month and the New Moon in the same sign on September 2, consider how refining the details can bring the bigger picture into sharp focus. Explore new destinations or connect with new people who can reignite your sense of excitement and wonder.

This month brings unexpected changes that might catch you off guard. You may surprise yourself with how quickly you adapt—or resist—these shifts. These events have introduced new responsibilities and daily routines. With Mercury in Virgo from September 8-26, you’ll gain the discernment needed to manage your time and energy effectively as you navigate these changes. Focus on what truly matters and allocate your resources wisely.

The powerful Lunar Eclipse on September 17 will push you beyond your comfort zone. You might be challenged to approach familiar problems with a fresh perspective that aligns with the person you’re becoming. What outdated coping mechanisms are holding you back from flourishing?

On September 22, the Sun enters Libra, lighting up your social life and encouraging you to forge new connections. Let the lightheartedness of social interactions balance the deep internal work you’ve been doing. With Mercury moving into Scorpio the same day, you’ll find that even small talk can lead to meaningful exchanges. You might be surprised by what others reveal when you show genuine interest.

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